Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫Redline Communications تنشر الفايبر الافتراضي الحائز على جائزة لمهمة مشروع المراقبة الهام في المملكة العربية السعودية

تحسن Redline’s RDL-3200 السلامة والأمن لدعم مبادرة المدن الآمنة في المملكة العربية السعودية

تورنتو، 17 نوفمبر / تشرين ثاني 2021 /PRNewswire / — تعلن اليوم مجموعة ريد لاين للاتصالات  (“ريد لاين للاتصالات ( TSX:RDL) , المزود الرائد للبنية التحتية لبيانات المهام الحرجة للبيئات البعيدة والصعبة عن نشرها لعائلة RDL -3200 من حلول    Virtual Fiber® القوية وعالية الآمان لمشروع المراقبة الذي سيساعد في ضمان سلامة وأمن المواطنين والمقيمين والحجاج، والبنية التحتية داخل الممملكة العربية السعودية.

Redline Communications designs and manufactures powerful wide-area wireless networks for mission-critical applications in challenging locations. (PRNewsfoto/Redline Communications)

حصلت ريد لاين على المشروع بعد عملية تقييم صارمة، تضمنت التجارب الميدانية المكثفة

علق ريتشارد يون، الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة ريد لاين للاتصالات قائلًا “أثبتت حلول الألياف الافتراضية لريد لاين تفوقها التقني، حيث توفر كفاءة طيفية رائدة صناعيًا في السرعة والسعة” “ومع تواجدنا المحلي في المملكة، والشراكات المتنامية  التي تتضمن   Three Pillars Technology and Communications نتطلع إلى المزيد من الفرص لشركة ريد لاين لتقديم حلول أساسية للمؤسسات والمدن الذكية في المنطقة”.”

يجعل التصميم القوي ومعدلات البيانات عالية السرعة عبر الهواء نموذج 3200 مثاليًا للمؤسسات الصناعية التي تتطلب بيانات حساسة للوقت، ونقل موثوق به لشبكات التوصيل، والفيديو إتش دي، والضوت، و نظام سكادا، ونظام آلة إلى آلة يقدم أيضا RDL 3200 أفضل حماية للأمن السيبراني على مستوى الصناعة، وإمكانيات معالجة قوية وفعالة من حيث التكلفة  يمكنا أن تنقل بشكل موثوق مجموعة واسعة من الاتصالات الصناعية من نقطة إلى أخرى ، ومن نقطة إلى نقاط متعددة في مجال بيئات الترددات اللاسلكية المزدحمة والظروف الجوية الصعبة.

حول شركة Redline Communications

تُصمِّم (Redline Communications (TSX:RDL وتَصنع شبكات لاسلكية قوية واسعة النطاق لتطبيقات المهام الحرجة في المواقع الصعبة. ويتم استخدام شبكات Redline من قِبَل شركات النفط والغاز البرية والبحرية، وشركات التعدين في العمليات السطحية والجوفية، ومن قِبَل البلديات من أجل مراقبة البنية التحتية عن بُعد، ومن قِبَل مزودي خدمات الاتصالات المتخصصين من أجل تقديم خدمات متميزة. كما تعتمد المئات من الشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم على Redline في هندسة وتخطيط وتقديم شبكات قوية وآمنة وموثوقة لتلبية احتياجات اتصالات إنترنت الأشياء والصوت والبيانات والفيديو. لمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة .

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Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫تسجيل فلكي لأول رمز مميز غير قابل للاستبدال على الإطلاق لساعة يد Nautilus من “باتيك فيليب” قبل المزاد

تسجيل مُحطِّم للأرقام القياسية على منصة SM-ART  قبل مزاد “الرمز المميز الغير قابل للاستبدال لـ باتيك فيليب” في 18 نوفمبر 2021 بعد ظهوره لأول مرة في ميدان التايمز بنيويورك.

لندن, 17 نوفمبر / تشرين ثاني 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت منصة SM-ART عن مواعيد المزاد لأول رمز مميز غير قابل للاستبدال (NFT) على الإطلاق لشركة باتيك فيليب (Patek Philippe) لساعة Nautilus المرغوبة بشدة.  سيبدأ المزاد لمدة ثلاثة أيام في 18 نوفمبر 2021 الساعة 5 مساءً بتوقيت جرينتش، وينتهي يوم الأحد 21 نوفمبر على منصة SM-ART

Record-breaking registration on SM-ART platform ahead of Patek Philippe NFT auction on 18 Nov 2021 after New York Times Square debut.

وقد شهدت منصة SM-ART تسجيلًا قياسيًا بلغ 16000 عملية تسجيل خلال 24 ساعة للمزاد عقب ظهور NFT لـ باتيك فيليب لأول مرة في ميدان التايمز بنيويورك الأسبوع الماضي.  ولا يزال ضجيج الإنترنت محمومًا حول NFT المرتقب بشدة لـ “السفر عبر الزمن”، والذي يتبع رحلة ساعة Nautilus التي بدأت كرسم على منديل من قِبَل المصمم الأسطوري جيرالد جينتا وأصبحت رمزًا متطورًا في تصميم الساعات على مدار الثلاثين عامًا التي تلتها.

قال داني سانجا، الشريك المؤسس لـ SM-ART، “نحن سعداء للغاية بالاستجابة، لكننا لم نفاجأ برد فعل المشترين العالميين المحتملين.  وتُعتبر ساعة Nautilus من باتيك فيليب مثالًا استثنائيًا لمنح مقتنيات نادرة فرصة جديدة للحياة، من خلال الاستمرار في إرثها بطريقة جديدة ومبتكرة للأجيال القادمة.  سيكون هذا هو الفصل التالي ليس فقط في تاريخ باتيك فيليب، بل أيضًا في تاريخ الأصول الرقمية أيضًا.  ويسعدنا تعزيز حركة الرموز المميزة الغير قابلة للاستبدال (NFTs) والأصول الغير قابلة للاستبدال (NFAs)”.

تم إطلاق Nautilus لأول مرة في عام 1976 وتوقفت في عام 2006، وهي تُمثِّل فرصة استثمارية مربحة للغاية لخبراء الساعات.  ويجب على المزايدين المهتمين التسجيل في المنصة من أجل الوصول إلى المزاد والمزايدة باستخدام العملات الرقمية.

بعد الانتهاء من مزاد NFT، سيتم تجزئة ساعة Nautilus المادية من خلال أصل غير قابل للاستبدال (NFA)، حيث يمكن لأفراد الجمهور المسجلين في منصة SM-ART شراء وتداول أسهم الساعة الفعلية، حيث تستمر قيمة الساعة في الزيادة من خلال الطلب.

حول منصة SM-ART

تحافظ منصة SM-ART على روائع الفنون الجميلة والأشياء الفنية والمقتنيات عالية القيمة وتعتني بها من خلال الوسط الجديد لـ NFTs و NFAs – وتعيدها إلى المجال العام لكي تتمتع بها الأجيال الجديدة وتُلهم فناني الغد.  يتم التبرع بجزء من جميع المبيعات للمؤسسة الخيرية التي يختارها مالِك NFT/NFA وللمبادرات العالمية لغرس الأشجار من أجل المساعدة في تعويض البصمة الكربونية لـ SM-ART، والتي تؤمن بالريادة المستدامة من خلال الإجراءات الإنسانية والبيئية.

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Jordanian state is entering new political phase: Media Minister

“The Jordanian state is entering a new political phase in the structure of its executive and legislative powers, based on the recommendations of the Royal Commission to Modernise the Political System, recently approved by the Council of Ministers,” said Minister of State for Media Affairs, Faisal Shaboul.

Shboul, who is also the government spokeeperson, gave his remarks during an interview on Wednesday evening on JRTV.

Shabul underlined the importance of comprehensively considering the constitutional amendments proposed by the Committee to Modernise the Political System, particularly with regard to women, youth and persons with disabilities.

These amendmentsm Shboul added, prescribe the presence of women and young people in the general constituency reserved for parties.

Post studying the draft legislation proposed by the Committee to Modernise the Political System and the associated constitutional amendments, Shboul pointed out that the government proposed a national security council and foreign policy to be formed, noting that this idea was fully consistent with the royal discussion papers that talked about his Majesty’s role in foreign policy and as the commander-in-chief of the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF).

The Council is chaired by His Majesty the King and consists of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and two figures slected by the King.

On the latest updates of the epidemiological situation, the Minister of State for Media Affairs reiterated that there will be no lockdowns or any form of curfews, and that the in-class education in schools and universities will continue.

He pointed out that the epidemiological situation is not bad, and the health system is able to deal with three times the infections recorded compared to the current Covid-19 infections.

He added that the current wave that Jordan is going through, is concentrated in people who have received the second dose of the vaccine more than six months, in addition to the age group bewteen 12 and 17, who are school students, pointing out that two thirds of daily infections are recorded in this group.

Only 3.5% of the total number of people infected in the current wave received the first or second dose, he said.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Germany to place tighter curbs on unvaccinated

Germany is set to introduce tighter curbs on people who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19, as cases in the country hit a record high.

Restrictions for unvaccinated people will be introduced in areas where hospital admissions exceed a set threshold, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and leaders of Germany’s 16 states agreed.

Under the rules, the unvaccinated will be excluded from certain venues.

Merkel described the situation with Covid in the country as “dramatic”.

“We need to quickly put a brake on the exponential rise” in cases and intensive care unit occupancy, she said.

The number of daily cases in Germany rose sharply on Thursday to more than 65,000 – by far the highest figure since the pandemic began.

The new rules, agreed in a crisis meeting, mean that in areas with a hospitalisation rate of more than three Covid patients per 100,000 people over the past seven days, only the vaccinated and those who have recovered from the virus will be allowed to access to public spaces like sporting events, cultural shows and restaurants.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Covid-19 vaccination center at Mafraq’s UNHCR office inaugurated

A Covid-19 vaccination center was inaugurated at the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the northern city of Mafraq.

Speaking during the opening ceremony, Mafraq health affairs director, Dr. Hani Abu Alim, said the new center aims to facilitate procedures to receive Covid-19 vaccine at the UNHCR office, noting that the facility has so far administered doses to some 26 Syrian refugees.

On the city’s overall vaccination map, he said 10 other centers provide jabs to the target groups, in addition to mobile teams in the Northwest and Eastern Badia districts.

To date, he noted the percentage of vaccinated citizens, since the launch of the national immunization campaign, stands at 71%, with a total of 256,000 recipients.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Jordan registers 19 COVID-19 related deaths, 3739 infections on Thursday

19 new deaths and 3739 cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were recorded in Jordan on Thursday.

With today’s fatalities and infections, the caseload and death toll from the disease have increased to 11,310 and 905,738 respectively, since the outbreak began in March of 2020, according to the Ministry of Health daily brief.

The number of cases that required admission to hospitals today stood at 138, while 97 cases have recovered and been discharged from hospitals.

On the capacity of hospitals in the Kingdom, the brief said that the occupancy rate of isolation beds in the northern region was at 24 per cent, intensive care beds 40 per cent and ventilators 19 per cent.

In the Central region, isolation beds were at an occupancy rate of 19 per cent, ICU beds at 39 per cent and ventilators 13 per cent, it said.

In the south, it added, the occupancy rate of isolation beds reached 14 per cent, ICU beds 13 per cent and ventilators 15 per cent.

It said that 46,526 PCR tests were collected today, bringing the total number of tests conducted since the start of the pandemic to 11,642,718, and that the positivity rate today was about 8.04 per cent.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Court to rule on Salt hospital oxygen shortage case next month

The cash assistance program “Takaful 3”, designated for families whose incomes have been affected by the COVID-19, will be concluded by the end of this year, according to Acting Director General of the National Aid Fund (NAF) Barq Dmour.

Speaking to Petra on Thursday, Dmour indicated that the total cost of the program, which is part of the national social protection strategy, amounted to JD150 million.

He said that Takaful 3 was launched at the beginning of 2021, and will be concluded as planned by the end of December.

“About 100,000 households received cash assistance for one year in the program’s first phase, while the second phase included 160,000 households with a 9-month cash assistance,” he added.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Workshop held to raise awareness about antimicrobials

The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization in Jordan carried out a joint workshop on Thursday to raise awareness on antimicrobials; medicines used to prevent and treat infections in humans, animals and plants.

Speaking at the workshop’s opening ceremony on behalf of the health minister, Secretary-General of the Ministry’s Technical and Health Affairs Ilham Khreisat highlighted the importance of unifying efforts of health sectors and policy makers to deliberate the issue of antimicrobials, in order to prevent the emergence antimicrobial resistance; which makes infections harder to treat and increases the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Government Policy

Labor minister, Italian envoy discuss enhancing cooperation prospects

Labor Minister Nayef Steitieh Thursday discussed with Italian Ambassador to Jordan, Fabio Cassese, ways to enhance prospects for future cooperation in labor fields.

Discussions also went over a number of potential areas to enhance joint cooperation, on top is launching Jordanian-Italian partnerships in various labor fields, according to a ministry statement.

The two sides also discussed the importance of signing bilateral agreements that outline prospects for joint cooperation, the statement added.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Government Policy

Amro: Government a ‘major’ supporter of vital energy security projects

Minister of Investment, Khairy Amro, stressed the importance of the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC)’s strategy and its fourth expansion project.

Amro, during his visit to the company’s headquarters in Zarqa city on Thursday, said the JPRC’s fourth expansion project is “vital” and enhances Jordan’s security of energy supply.

The minister also stressed the government’s support for “vital” projects that contribute to develop infrastructure and prioritize industrial products such as oil derivatives.

The JPRC is a “developmental” project that contributed to the growth of the national economy, and played a “major” role in raising competitiveness of production further, according to the minister.

The minister affirmed that the JPRC is a national company that should be “supported by all means.”

Moreover, Amro stressed the importance of the role of the JPRC’s activities in meeting the requirements of the local market.

For his part, the JPRC’s CEO, Abdul Karim Alaween, said the company is “constantly” modernizing and developing its facilities, stressing that achieving the “highest” levels of safety is its “top” priority.

On the modernization of the current JPRC facilities, he said the company is “constantly” developing its facilities to maintain safety of personnel and equipment alike and ensure continued operation with minimum disruption.

Alaween highlighted the JPRC’s importance to control the Kingdom’s oil market and ensure availability of derivatives, adding that the company employs 2,000 male and female workers, in addition to 2,500 tanker drivers, who transport oil from Aqaba to JPRC’s Zarqa location.

The fourth expansion project, which has a total cost of about $2.64 billion, comes in response to the local market’s growing needs for oil derivatives, adherence to environmental requirements and stopping the production of high-sulfur fuel oil, according to Alaween.

Regarding the company’s share ownership, Alaween said citizens are the largest shareholder by 64% and the Social Security Corporation by 20%, while the government’s stake is less than 2%, indicating that the number of shareholders stands at 35,000.

Source: Jordan News Agency