MENA Press Releases

Yeloworld raises Series B Funding of over 100 million CNY for Carbon Neutrality

SHANGHAI, Nov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On October 11, 2021, Yeloworld successfully raised Series B Funding of over 100 million CNY from Wanhua Chemical, following Series A Funding from SINOPEC and Shangnan. The funds will be used for system algorithm R&D, packaging material technology development and reverse logistics system construction.

Yelopack in the automated factory

Founded in 2018, Yeloworld is an infrastructural service provider in the supply chain of intelligent packaging and logistics. The Company, which owns brands including Yelopack, Yelotour, Yelolife and Yeloant, produces packaging products under international standards for recycling, aiming at promoting the recycling of plastic products to maximize environmental protection and resource conservation. Yeloworld supplies intelligent returnable pallets for 13,000 clients, with packaging quantity of above 1.6 million, involving chemical, coating, electronics, new energy, new materials, tyre, auto parts, etc.

Made of recyclable materials, Yelopack enables location tracking and transport of cargo with pallets.

To achieve global carbon neutrality, Yeloworld proposes effective solutions for clients by intellectualization, material recycling and carbon emission reduction. Yeloworld has integrated mobile Internet, IoT, big data, cloud computing and high-precision positioning technology into intelligent packaging, enabling autonomous package positioning, with data uploaded to the supply chain management platform. With an intelligent green recycling system and modern techniques, including cloud computing, for customer information protection, Yeloworld focuses on making intelligent packaging products out of sustainable, low-carbon materials, providing one-stop packaging solutions for global partners. Meanwhile, Yeloworld keeps improving its information management process and upgrading its information system to provide effective technical support for information system security and data security, with data access security under control.

Yelopack in the racking warehouse

Based on the concept of “Click to global business”, Yeloworld will actively extend along the chemical industrial chain to continuously improve its core business capabilities and develop new energy. Yeloworld will deeply explore the chemical industry with its own professional skills to open up a diversified market to promote the sound development of intelligent recyclable packaging.

Yeloworld has established a global green recyclable packaging system based on pallet recycling and sharing. Adhering to the strategy of sustainability, we have combined sustainable development organically with business and social economy to achieve both economic and environmental benefits. Shi Xiang, CEO of Yeloworld, says, “Carbon neutrality will bring a development opportunity worth over 1 trillion CNY. As one of the important ways to achieve carbon neutrality, Yeloworld is committed to helping global enterprises steadily promote carbon neutrality through our intelligent green recyclable packaging system to reduce costs and increase benefits.”

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Africa MENA Press Releases South Africa

The Bible Explained: All the Verses of Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times

NEW YORK, Oct. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A round of weekly seminars titled, “Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God’s New Covenant,” is being held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony from October 18th to December 27th.

Chairman Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Speaks on Revelation Chapter 1

Revelation, the last book of the Bible, includes prophecies about the future of the Christian world and the second coming of Jesus. The purpose behind the seminars, according to Shincheonji Chairman Man-hee Lee, is for “the one who heard and saw” Revelation’s fulfillment to give this testimony to the churches (Rev 22:16,18).

“The meanings of the prophecy (of Revelation) and what is fulfilled in reality according to the prophecy is what I am making known to the churches, worldwide, today,” Chairman Lee says.

The key to understanding the book of Revelation is knowing the meaning of the word revelation. It is “to open and to show (what was sealed and unseen),” and there is a time when the prophecies recorded in the past are fulfilled (revealed) in reality, Chairman Lee says.

According to chapter 1 of Revelation, Apostle John sends Jesus’s letters to seven churches in Asia. The identity of these seven churches is one of the mysteries in the Book of Revelation (Rev 1:4, 20). Chairman Lee explains that the record of sending letters to the seven churches is a prophecy that is fulfilled at the time of Jesus’s second coming. These mysteries were not known when Revelation was written. They are only known by “the one who heard and saw all the events of the book when the record of prophecy is fulfilled in reality.”

Within two days, Youtube views of Chairman Lee’s seminar on chapter 1 of Revelation exceeded 300,000 worldwide, including 5,000 views from Christian leaders.

Since August, 25 African churches with 10,000 members signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church of Jesus. An additional 18 churches will sign MOUs to emphasize the importance of understanding the era we live in and the value of the improving one’s life of faith.

You can find more information through the link:

CONTACT: Gina Del Gigante, +16466287365,

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Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫تعيين جريج نورمان مديرًا تنفيذيًا لشركة لـLIV Golf Investments

تعقد شركة NORMAN PENS LANDMARK  صفقة لمدة عشر سنوات مع الجولة الأسيوية كأول شركة تمثل التزامًا إجماليًا بقيمة أكثر من 200 مليون دولار

غرب بالم بيتش، ولاية فلوريدا، 31 أكتوبر، 2021 / PRNewswire/— تم اليوم الإعلان عن الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة  المشكلة حديثًا LIV Golf Investments، والعضو السابق لـWorld Golf Hall of Fame و لـ world #1 ، جريج نورمان، وهو تحرك سيحقق عددًا من التطورات الهامة في لعبة الغولف للمحترفين حول العالم.

يعتبر أول نشاط لنورمان في هذا المجال هو الإعلان عن سلسلة رائدة من عشرة أحداث تجارية جديدة تنظم سنوياً في إطار الجولة الآسيوية على مدى السنوات العشر المقبلة، مما يمثل التزاما إجماليا يزيد على 200 مليون دولار لدعم فرص اللعب والأموال المخصصة للجوائز. تمثل هذه الخطوة واحدة من أكبر الاستثمارات في تاريخ رياضة الجولف المحترفة.

ستضاف السلسلة إلى جدول الجولة الأسيوية اعتبارًا من عام 2022 فصاعدًا، مع إقامة مناسبات جديدة في كافة أنحاء آسيا والشرق الأوسط وأوروبا. لقد تم تصميمه ليزيد من المشاركة بين المشجعين، ويجتذب اهتمامًا تجاريًا جديدًا ويساعد على إستقرار لعبة الغولف المحترفة في أعقاب فترة طويلة من الاضطراب وعدم اليقين في جميع أنحاء العالم.

علق نورمان “هذه ليست سوى البداية،” “لقد ضمنت LIV Golf Investments التزامًا رأسماليًا كبيرًا سيتم إستخدامه لخلق فرص جديدة إضافية عبر لعبة الجولف المحترفة في جميع أنحاء العالم. سوف نكون متعاونين ومؤيدين محترمين للعبة على كل المستويات، ويعد إعلان اليوم جنبا إلى جنب مع الجولة الآسيوية المثال الأول لهذا.

“كنت مؤيدًا ومؤمنًا مخلصًا للعب الجولف وتطويره في آسيا لأكثر من أربعة عقود من الزمان. تعتبر الجولة الأسيوية عملاق نائم ونحن نشارك الطموح لتنمية السلسلة وإطلاق ما نعتقد أنه إمكانيات كبيرة لم تستغل بعد. إننا نعتبر ترويجنا لهذه الأحداث الجديدة خطوة أولى حيوية لدعم الأسواق الناشئة، وخلق منصة جديدة، غنية بفرص اللعب التي تخلق مسارات قيمة للاعبين.

قد أنشئت شركة LIV Golf Investments بالتعاون مع شركات جماعية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة، وستتبعها مكاتب آسيوية. قد تم بالفعل تعيين العديد من كبار المسؤولين التنفيذيين في هذه المجموعة، وسوف تصدر إعلانات أخرى في الوقت المناسب. تعتبر PIF، وهى احد أكبر صناديق الثروة السيادية في العالم ولديها محفظة إستثمارية دولية متنوعة، وهي صاحبة الأغلبية في الشركة الجديدة هناك خطط لتقديم المزيد من شركاء الاستثمار، الذين يتقاسمون الشغف والاعتقاد في الكيفية التي قد تخلق بها الفرص الجديدة في رياضة الجولف المحترفة فوائد واسعة النطاق للمعجبين واللاعبين.

“هذا هو أكبر تطور في تاريخ الجولة الاسيوية ومعلم رئيسى لرياضة الجولف المحترفة وفقًا” لما ذكره تشو مين ثانت المفوض وكبير المديرين التنفيذيين بالجولة الاسيوية. “سوف تضمن الفرصة فرصًا جديدة غير مسبوقة للعب، وتؤسس مسارات جديدة للاعبين، وتسمح لنا بالتنافس تجارياً مع رياضات أخرى، وتعزز من أجندتنا الاجتماعية.

“نحن متحمسون بشكل خاص لهذا الاحتمال الذي جلبه إعلان اليوم المميز إلى لعبة الهواة، وهو ما يوفر إلهاماً جديدًا لللاعبين الطامحين من خلال مستوى جديد من المنافسة الاحترافية الكبرى في المنطقة.

سوف تضيف السلسلة إلى أساس الجولة الآسيوية وهي تتألف من موسم يتضمن 25 حدثاً، ومن المتوقع أن تمثل رقمًا قياسيًا في صندوق الجائزة المشترك في عام 2022. سيتم بث كل حدث من الأحداث العشرة الجديدة بشكل مباشر عبر أنحاء العالم، مع وجود خطط لجذب مجال دولي من المواهب الرئيسية من خلال فئة أهلية مفتوحة بغض النظر عن الانتماء للجولة وبالتالي تتاح الفرص لأكبر شريحة من اللاعبين.

يأتي إعلان اليوم في أعقاب إقامة شراكة جديدة لمدة 10 سنوات بين الجولة الآسيوية والغولف السعودية، ومنظمو Saudi International التي تدار بواسطة  مستشارو الاستثمار في سوفت بنك SoftBank، والتي ستشاهد الحدث وهو يصبح البطولة الرئيسية في الجولة الأسيوية، مع زيادة مثيرة للإعجاب في قيمة الجائزة تبلغ 5 مليون دولار ولن تكون “Saudi International ” واحدة من ضمن 10 فعاليات جديدة سيتم إبرازها ضمن السلسلة الجديدة، ولكنها ستوفر بدورها شروط إعفاء معززة.

 كما جاءت في الآونة الأخيرة إشارات إضافية على زيادة إزدهار الجولة الآسيوية مع الإعلان عن إستئناف التنافس قريباً بعد التأجيل بسبب جائحة كورونا. سيختتم الموسم المعلق للفترة 2020/21 بطولتين جديدتين في تايلند في نوفمبر وديسمبر 2021، ومن المقرر إقامة بطولتين أخريين في سنغافورة في يناير 2022.

ستنظم السلسلة الجديدة المؤلفة من 10 أحداث خلال عام 2022، حيث تسهم جميع الأحداث الميدانية في بلوغ مرتبة الاستحقاق.

 ستتبع ذلك تفاصيل أخرى عن السلسلة الجديدة، بما في ذلك كشف عن العلامة التجارية واسم السلسلة في المستقبل القريب.

 حول الجولة الأسيوية

بصفتها الهيئة الرسمية لفرض عقوبات على غولف المحترفين في اسيا، تقود الجولة الاسيوية تطوير رياضة الغولف الاحترافية في جميع أنحاء المنطقة، حيث تعزز فرص العمل لافرادها مع الحفاظ على الالتزام بنزاهة اللعبة. يذكر ان الجولة الاسيوية من خلال عضويتها في الاتحاد الدولى لرحلات الجولف PGA  هى الجولة المهنية الوحيدة المعترف بها لعموم اسيا في اسيا. يعترف المركز العالمي الرسمي للغولف بالجولة رسميًا، وهي تزود احداثها بنقاط ترتيب قيمة للمشاركين ليتم الاعتراف بهم على المسرح العالمي. وهي أيضا تابعة لـThe R&A ومن بين الشركاء في الجولة Rolex (مسجل الوقت)، Habitat for Humanity (شريك في التنمية المستدامة)، Titleist (شريك على شبكة الإنترنت) و FootJoy (مورد للجولات). يذكر ان مقر قيادة الشركة للجولة الاسيوية يقع في سينتوسا التى هى موطن الغولف الاسيوى بينما يعد نادى سنتوسا للجولف جزءًا من شبكة خاصة من الممتلكات في اطار وجهات الجولات الاسيوية. للجولة أيضا مكتب في كوالالمبور، ماليزيا.

حول LIV Golf Investments

إن LIV Golf Investments هي شركة تشكلت حديثاً، مع شركات مجموعة في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة، على أن تتبعها مكاتب آسيوية. تتلخص مهمته في تحسين صحة محترفي رياضة الغولف على نطاق عالمي حقًا ودعم أصحاب المصلحة الحاليين للمساعدة في إطلاق العنان للإمكانات غير المستغلة لهذه الرياضة. جريج نورمان هو أول مدير تنفيذي مؤسس لمؤسسة  LIV Golf Investments. تعد PIF، وهى احد أكبر صناديق الثروة السيادية في العالم ولديها محفظة إستثمارية دولية متنوعة، وهي صاحبة الأغلبية في إستثمارات الجولف.


Gaza: 6 COVID deaths, 241 infections

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip on Monday announced that 6 new coronavirus fatalities and 241 new cases were recorded during the last 24 hours.

In a daily brief on COVID-19 in the coastal enclave, the ministry said that a total of 456 new coronavirus patients have recovered, raising the total number of recoveries to 178,568.

The overall number of COVID-19 infections in the strip reached 183,854, including 3,709 active cases and 1,577 deaths, it added.

The report said 120 cases needed hospitalization and 80 were serious or critical.

Source: Jordan News Agency


House health panel looks into procedures to ensure Jordan’s food, medicine safety

The Lower House Health and Environment Committee, headed by MP Ahmed Sarrahna, on Monday discussed the procedures taken to ensure Jordan’s food and medicine safety.

Speaking at the meeting, attended by the Director-General of the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA), Dr. Nizar Mhaidat, and a number of specialists, Sarahna said the panel’s discussions aim to find out truth related to media reports, alleging presence of carcinogenic substances in some foodstuffs.

Continuing: “The committee is concerned with details, for the interest of the health and safety of foodstuffs for citizens and residents in Jordan, “calling for clarifications from the JFDA on the carcinogenic substances, by forming a neutral committee to verify social platforms’ reports.

Noting the JFDA’s monitoring role to clarify this issue in a scientific manner, Jordan Food Law indicates stipulates JFDA’s cooperation with local, regional and international academic and supervisory authorities, to strengthen control procedures, according to a committee statement.

For his part, Mhaidat said reports related to carcinogenic substances surfaced in an analytical study based on taking different samples of fish, adding that “this research was re-published.”

Mhaidat said re-publishing this study at this time is “startling”, adding that the JFDA uses official laboratories, especially for lab tests in the event results of the JFDA’s tests are rejected.

In response to the MPs’ inquiries, Mhaidat said Jordan relies on imports with regard to wheat, stressing the need to retain the role of Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply related to wheat shipments, which helps preserve supplies of this basic material.

Source: Jordan News Agency


House panel provides insight on ways to develop Jordan’s media sector

The Lower House Media Committee, headed by MP Omar Zeiyoud, discussed on Monday, plans and strategies related to Jordan’s media and culture sectors, in a meeting with Minister of State for Media Affairs, the government’s official spokesperson, Faisal Shboul, and Minister of Culture, Haifa Najjar.

Speaking at the meeting, the MP said culture and media are the basis for consolidating Jordan’s national values, in light of the social platforms’ impact, which have caused “a state of chaos.”

Discussing action to address related concerns, the MP called for concerted efforts among the various ministries and public institutions to develop culture and media in the Kingdom.

The MP also stressed the need to launch plans and strategies to achieve the “desired” goals in this regard, aimed to enhance Jordan’s cultural and media landscape.

Shboul said all ideas discussed by the Cabinet focus on achieving “more media-based freedoms,” voicing the the government’s belief that empowering Jordan’s media and raising its level are an essential part of solving related concerns.

Jordan’s media is “historically respectable and balanced,” and had an impact locally and globally to “best” present Jordan’s image, according to Shboul.

The minister noted the gov’t is consulting today with stakeholders to develop plans and strategies for Jordan’s media sector.

To develop its performance, Jordan’s media need “moral and financial” support, by restoring the advertising market, a large part of which was taken for the benefit of social media, he said.

This market is a right for the Jordanian media to continue its work and its desired role, Shboul noted.

Source: Jordan News Agency


UN kicks off consultations on 2023-2027 sustainable development framework

The United Nations, in coordination with its Jordan country office, on Monday launched a series of consultations with its partners and stakeholders in the Kingdom on the 2023-2027 United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSFD).

A statement issued by the UN Office of the Coordinator said the framework is the most important tool for the planning and delivery of UN development activities at the country level and supporting the development priorities of a country to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Partnership Agreement between Jordan and UN organizations.

The consultations include a comprehensive dialogue to exchange views on national priorities for Jordan’s sustainable development agenda and to identify national priorities for the new cooperation agreement for the next five years.

UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Jordan Anders Pedersen said: “Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, the United Nations in Jordan is committed to supporting the Jordanian government to advance and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, in line with the Jordan’s 2025 vision”.

He pointed out that it is important to involve all stakeholders and various groups in the society in the consultations and receive actionable inputs and ideas from the participants to design the new joint framework.

The statement indicated that the consultations will include UN and Jordanian experts, as well as representatives from the private sector, international and national NGOs, civil society, women’s groups, youth groups, refugees, bilateral partners – donors, the media, think tanks and academia.

The UNSDF is based on national priorities and the UN Common Country Analysis, and identifies the UN system’s contribution to supporting partners at the national level to realize the Sustainable Development Goals with a commitment to leaving no one behind.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Government Policy

Local engineering students design eco-friendly concrete mix, win 8th place

A team from the civil engineering department at Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology achieved eighth place in the international contest “Eco Concrete,” to design an environment friendly concrete mix.

The contest was organized by the American Concrete Institute via teleconferencing to design an environment friendly concrete mix, in light of a global trend to use and produce such products.

The Hijjawi Faculty team qualified to the final stage alongside a number of eminent international universities in the civil engineering field. The final evaluation was by a judges commission which included a group of professors and specialized people from different American universities. Participating in the competition were 30 teams from various international universities, of which 13 teams have qualified to the finals.

Faris Matalqa, the team’s supervisor, said the team has designed a number of eco-friendly concrete mixes using coal ash, silica dust, and iron industry remnants. They also wrote a report that showcased the environmental effect, expenses, and life span of the concrete mix by using computerized simulation programs, as well as making a video showing the results analysis mechanism and the environmental effect.

This contest is an opportunity for these students to involve themselves in scientific research related to eco-friendly concrete, modern programs and tools to deal with future challenges in civil engineering, he added.

The Dean of Hijjawi Faculty, Muaffaq Alotoum, lauded the team’s effort, stressing the importance of participating in such international contests to learn new skills to enter the local job market with efficiency.

The American Concrete Institute is an independent institute located in the United States which deals with construction building codes and research related to concrete.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Government Policy

Lower House Speaker, Australian ambassador discuss ties

Speaker of the Lower House Parliament, Abdulmenem Aloudat, and Australian ambassador to Jordan, Bernard Lynch, discussed on Monday ways of developing bilateral relations in all fields, especially parliamentary cooperation.

Aloudat stressed Jordanian-Australian ties and called for expanding bilateral cooperation to serve common interests and bring about peace and stability in the Middle East.

For his part, the Australian ambassador said his country values the role Jordan plays to establish peace and stability in the region, noting Jordan’s key humanitarian contribution to the refugee crisis. He also asserted his country’s commitment to offering various kinds of support to Jordan.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Government Policy

Princess Sumaya receives award for RSS public schools heating project

HRH Princess Sumaya Bint El Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), on Monday received the 2021 National Energy Globe Award for a public schools heating project carried out by the RSS.

The Austrian Embassy in Amman and its Commercial Section (ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA) organized the first Austrian Green Tech and Renewable Energy Breakfast. The event included presentations on the Renewable Energy and Green Tech Sector in Jordan and Austria and the award ceremony of the Energy Globe Award.

This year’s winner of the Energy Globe Award in Jordan, the Royal Scientific Society / National Energy Research Centre, implemented a sustainable and outstanding project, which was funded by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources / the Fund for the Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Rationalization, the Princess Alia Foundation, and the Ma’an Development Zone.

The project comes within the initiative and directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II to provide an appropriate learning environment for school students across the Kingdom.

During her award acceptance remarks, HRH Princess Sumaya highlighted the benefits of this project, saying: “The project aims to improve the classroom environment by providing appropriate heating and cooling all year round and reducing public schools’ energy consumption, in addition to supporting and encouraging students and the local community to use clean energy and promoting the concept of energy and water management among students and the community, which mitigates greenhouse gas emissions with an estimate of 4,615 tons of CO2-equivalent emissions reduction per year.”

HRH Princess Sumaya also underlined the project’s main activities, including an assessment for all energy-consuming equipment in schools, replacing conventional equipment with higher efficiency ones and installing efficient lighting units in classrooms and facilities.

The Public Schools Heating Project installed efficient air conditioning units to replace old kerosene-based heaters, replaced inefficient bulbs, carried out maintenance of windows and doors, provided solar photovoltaic systems, and installed solar water heaters.

The Austrian Ambassador congratulated the National Energy Research Centre for this achievement and thanked them for their important work. “Events like this one are important to bring Austria and Jordan closer together in the area of GreenTech, circular economy and renewable energy. Working together is the only way to tackle the enormous challenges the world is facing today – including and most importantly climate change,” he noted.

Herwig Neuper, the Austrian Commercial Counsellor said: “The Energy Globe Award is the world’s most renowned environmental prize and has been awarded worldwide since the year 2000. We are happy to award this sustainable Jordanian initiative for a sustainable future.”

Committed people all around the world develop solutions for the most pressing environmental problems of our time like resource scarcity, air and water pollution, erosion, climate change or dependence on fossil fuels. Although these solutions are readily available, they often remain unheard of. Energy Globe gives them a voice and presents them to a large audience to make them visible and encourage others to come up with their own innovative solution.

With more than 180 participating countries, the Energy Globe Award is the most important environmental Award worldwide. Projects from all over the world are submitted, ranging from small and simple initiatives to large scale high-end ones.

Source: Jordan News Agency