MENA Press Releases

Chuck E. Cheese Signs New Development Agreements In Qatar, Suriname And Guyana

Three new countries will soon experience the world’s number one family entertainment restaurant brand, Chuck E. Cheese, adding to an already rapid expansion story for Chuck E. Cheese internationally

DALLAS, Dec. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Chuck E. Cheese, the global family entertainment brand, continues to drive international expansion and has successfully signed development agreements in three new countries across South America and in the Middle East. This adds to the rapid ongoing international expansion of the brand already announced in new regions like Egypt, Morocco, Romania and Kuwait, and sets Chuck E. Cheese on track to have over 100 international locations by 2022.

Chuck E. Cheese

“Investors and entrepreneurs continue to recognize Chuck E. Cheese as a high ROI opportunity within their local markets,” says Arun Barnes, COO & SVP of international development for CEC Entertainment. “With a unique business model that is unmatched in the Family Entertainment Center (FEC) landscape, we are the brand that can have an immediate impact in almost any country around the globe, while providing a reliable cash flow for franchise partners who have a passion for family entertainment.”

One of the most effective avenues of growth is through existing franchisees who see success in their own regions, such as franchise partner Joanna Rostant of Yay! Entertainment in Trinidad & Tobago who has signed to expand the brand through sub franchising into Guyana and Suriname. The first site at Suriname is under construction and scheduled to open in the first half of 2022.

Joanna Rostant stated, “We are thrilled to partner through a sub franchise arrangement with Sasja Lie Pauw Sam and his team at Blue Falcon N.V. to bring the joy of Chuck E. Cheese to families in Suriname. We note with confidence Suriname’s recent discovery of substantial volumes of hydrocarbons, and in keeping with the recent IMF forecasts, believe that Suriname will experience strong positive economic growth in the next couple of years. For these and other socio-economic reasons, we believe that the world’s leading family entertainment brand will be thoroughly enjoyed by children and families in Suriname.”

“It makes sense for Caribbean markets, and we are thrilled that Joanna’s strong operating model has positioned her company well to achieve and lead this exciting expansion. We look forward to her success in Suriname, and later in Guyana,” added Arun Barnes.

In addition to the Caribbean, Chuck E. Cheese has also partnered with new franchise partners, Benchmark Hospitality Services, to expand new locations across Qatar throughout the next few years.

“Working with the CEC International team is a pleasure,” said Yanni Jouaneh, franchise owner and CEO of Benchmark Hospitality Services. “They have great systems and processes to support international franchising, and our business feasibility survey of the brand showcased a unique opportunity to bring in a highly profitable brand into Qatar’s exciting market landscape. There is no other brand that offers a great mix of games, food, entertainment and birthday parties. Qatari families with kids will soon experience the joy of Chuck E. Cheese nearer to their home.”

For franchising interests or to learn more about how to bring the joy and profits of Chuck E. Cheese to your market, please visit the all-new international franchising website where you can discover all of the latest news and exciting expansion plans.

About CEC Entertainment, Inc. 

CEC Entertainment is the nationally recognized leader in family entertainment and dining with its Chuck E. Cheese, Peter Piper Pizza and, delivery only, Pasqually’s Pizza & Wings brands. As the place where a million happy birthdays are celebrated every year, Chuck E. Cheese’s goal is to create positive, lifelong memories for families through entertainment, food and play. Committed to providing a fun, safe environment, Chuck E. Cheese helps protect families through industry-leading programs such as Kid Check®. As a strong advocate for its local communities, Chuck E. Cheese has donated more than $19 million to schools through its fundraising programs. The Company and its franchisees operate a system of nearly 600 Chuck E. Cheese and 120 Peter Piper Pizza venues, with locations in 47 states and 17 foreign countries and territories. For more information, visit our website or connect with us on social media.

For questions please contact:
Rosalie Sellman
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Arabic MENA Press Releases

منح نانوراكس، وفوييجر سبيس وولوكهيد مارتن عقد من ناسا لبناء أول محطة فضائية تجارية هي الأولى من نوعها

مع استمرار نمو الاقتصاد الفضائي سوف تكون ستارلاب نقطة الإرتكاز لمشروع ناسا للوجهات التجارية إلى المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة

 دنفر، 6 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2021 /PRNewswire/ — شركة نانوراكس، بالتعاون مع شركتي فوييجر سبيس وولوكهيد مارتن / كود السهم [NYSE  LMT]‎ ، حصلت على عقد بقيمة 160 مليون دولار من وكالة ناسا لتصميم‎ ‎ستارلاب محطتها الفضائية التجارية كجزء من برنامج الوكالة التجاري التنموي للمدارات الأرضية المنخفضة (LEO). سوف تعمل المحطة الفضائية ستارلاب على تمكين مبادرة ناسا لتحفيز الاقتصاد التجاري للفضاء وتوفير العلوم والقدرات للطواقم قبل تقاعد محطة الفضاء الدولية (ISS).

Voyager logo

وقالت الدكتورة أميلا ويلسون، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة نانوراكس: “بينما يمثل اليوم علامة فارقة ورئيسية لشركة نانوراكس وفريق ستارلاب، فإن التأثير يتجاوز هذه المنحة بكثير”. “إن تلقي هذا الدعم من وكالة ناسا يثبت صحة العمل الشاق الذي قامت به نانوراكس على مدار أكثر من عِقد من الزمان، من أجل الوصول التجاري إلى الفضاء، مما أدى إلى جلب أكثر من 1300 حمولة تجارية من 30 دولة إلى محطة الفضاء الدولية. وتفتح هذه الفرصة إمكانيات بعيدة المدى للبحوث الحيوية والنشاط الصناعي التجاري في المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة. يشرفنا أن يتم اختيارنا كواحدة من ثلاث تم منحوهم العمل مع وكالة ناسا، ولا يسعنا الانتظار لإحضار قاعدة عملائنا التجاريين العالميين الحاليين إلى ستارلاب”.

سوف يتم تقديم القيمة الأولية للعقد والبالغة 160 مليون دولار لشركة نانوراكس من خلال التمويل المتاح طبقاً لقانون اتفاقية الفضاء حتى عام 2025. سيتم إضافة لهذا التمويل الأولي المقدم من وكالة ناسا استكماله بفرص الشراء المسبق للعملاء والشراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص. ومن المقرر أن تصل ستارلاب والمملوكة بالكامل لشركة نانوراكس إلى القدرة التشغيلية الأولية في عام 2027، مما يضمن تواجد بشري مستمر من الكيانات الأمريكية في المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة. وسوف تتاح لناسا الفرصة لشراء خدمات الطواقم والحمولات على المحطة الفضائية ستارلاب من خلال عقود خدمات منفصلة مع شركة نانوراكس.

Lockheed logo

وتتمتع نانوراكس بخبرة تجارية لا مثيل لها في محطة الفضاء الدولية. بتوحيد جهودها مع استراتيجية الاستثمار المتطورة الخاصة بشركة فوييجر سبيس وخبرتها في التكامل التشغيلي والمعرفة الهندسية لشركة لوكهيد مارتن ورؤيتها الاستراتيجية، وسوف يتمكن فريق المحطة الفضائية ستارلاب من أن يقدم برنامجاً هائلاً لمستقبل الاستخدام التجاري للمدارات الأرضية المنخفضة.

وتشمل العناصر الأساسية لمحطة ستارلاب الفضائية بيئة استيطان كبيرة مطاطية تم تصميمها وبنائها بواسطة شركة لوكهيد مارتن، وعقدة لرسو السفن المعدنية، وعنصر طاقة وقوة الدفع، وذراع آلي كبير لخدمة البضائع والحمولات، ومجمع جورج واشنطن كارفر للعلوم. مجمع جورج واشنطن كارفر للعلوم هو نظام معملي متطور سوف يحتضن أبحاثاً وعلوماً وقدرات تصنيعية شاملة. وسوف تتمتع محطة ستارلاب بالقدرة على استضافة ما يصل إلى أربعة رواد فضاء بشكل مستمر لإجراء التجارب العلمية والبحوث الهامة.

Nanoracks logo

“محطة ستارلاب الفضائية هي التقاء خبرة لوكهيد مارتن الغنية بالفضاء وتاريخها، وابتكارات نانوراكس، والدهاء المالي لشركة فوييجر. إن هذا الفريق مجهز لمساعدة وكالة ناسا في مهمتها للتوسع في الوصول إلى المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة وتمكين اقتصاد الفضاء التجاري التحويلي” هكذا صرحت ليزا كالاهان، نائب الرئيس والمدير العام للفضاء المدني التجاري في شركة لوكهيد مارتن.

سوف تعمل نانوراكس على تعزيز تطوير محطة ستارلاب بالاستفادة من أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة بصفتها رائداً عالمياً في هذا المجال ورائدة في الاستخدام التجاري لمحطة الفضاء الدولية. وسوف تقود شركة فوييجر سبيس وهي المساهم الأكبر في نانوراكس الإستراتيجية والاستثمار الرأسمالي، وسوف تعمل شركة لوكهيد مارتن، الشركة الرائدة في تطوير وتشغيل تكنولوجيات الفضاء المعقدة، كمدمج تقني لمحطة الفضاء المتقدمة الجديدة.

وقال ديلان تايلور، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والمدير التنفيذي في فوييجر سبيس: “لا يمكن التقليل من تأثير ستارلاب على الاستخدام التجاري للفضاء”. “نشهد اليوم تحولاً اقتصادياً كبيراً، حيث أصبحت الأعمال الفضائية ملموسة وذات رأس مال جيد ومستدامة تجارياً. يتطلب الأمر من الكوكب بالكامل التكاتف لاستكشاف الكون، وندعو المجتمع العالمي ليكون جزءاً من نجاح ستارلاب”.

حول شركة نانوراكس

نانوراكس هي إحدى شركات فوييجر سبيس، وهي المزود الرائد لخدمات الفضاء التجارية في العالم. وتمتلك نانوراكس وتشغل أجهزة خاصة في محطة الفضاء الدولية وأطلقت أكثر من 1300 تجربة بحثية، ونشرت أكثر من 300 قمر صناعي صغير، وقامت بتركيب الكبسولة الفضائية بيشوب. اليوم، تستفيد نانوراكس من أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة لتطوير أنظمة فضائية تجارية جديدة في استجابة مباشرة لاحتياجات العملاء. تتضمن هذه الأنظمة الفضائية تحويل المراحل العليا لمركبة الإطلاق التجارية إلى منصات ثانوية وظيفية، وبناء محطات فضائية جديدة صالحة للسكن، وتزويدها بمنصات تحميل وكبسولات فضائية للطاقم والبنية التحتية للخدمات، وأكثر من ذلك. لمعرفة المزيد تابع‎ ‎@Nanoracks‎ ‎على‎ ‎تويتر.

حول شركة فوييجر سبيس

 فوييجر سبيس هي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال استكشاف الفضاء. تتمثل مهمة فوييجر طويلة المدى في إنشاء شركة نيو سبيس المتكاملة رأسياً والمتداولة بشكل عام والتي تكون قادرة على تقديم أي مهمة فضائية يمكن للبشر تخيلها. تم تصميم نموذج الشركة الأول في الصناعة بشكل فريد لدعم احتياجات النمو لشركات الفضاء التجارية من خلال استبدال نماذج رأس المال الخاص التقليدية بنهج طويل الأجل توفر رأس مال دائم. لمعرفة المزيد عن فوييجر سبيس، يرجى زيارة:‎ ‎ وتابعها‎ ‎@VoyagerSH‎ ‎على تويتر.

حول شركة لوكهيد مارتن

 المقر الرئيسي في بيثيسدا، ماريلاند، لوكهيد مارتن كود السهم (NYSELMT) هي شركة عالمية للأمن والفضاء وتوظف ما يقرب من 114000 شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم، وتشارك بشكل أساسي في البحث والتصميم والتطوير والتصنيع والدمج والاستدامة لأنظمة ومنتجات وخدمات التكنولوجيا المتقدمة.  يرجى المتابعة‎ ‎@LMNews‎  ‎على تويتر للحصول على أحدث الإعلانات والأخبار بجميع أرجاء الشركة.

بيان تحذيري بخصوص البيانات التطلعية

يحتوي هذا البيان الصحفي على “بيانات تطلعية”. جميع البيانات، بخلاف بيانات الحقائق التاريخية، بما في ذلك تلك المتعلقة ببيان مهمة شركة فوييجر سبيس. (ويشار لها بالـ “الشركة”) واستراتيجية النمو، هي “بيانات تطلعية”. وعلى الرغم من أن إدارة الشركة تعتقد أن مثل هذه البيانات التطلعية معقولة، إلا أنها لا تضمن أن هذه التوقعات صحيحة أو ستكون كذلك. وتتضمن هذه البيانات التطلعية العديد من المخاطر والشكوك، مما قد يتسبب في اختلاف النتائج المستقبلية للشركة بشكل جوهري عن تلك المتوقعة. وتشمل المخاطر والشكوك المحتملة، من بين أمور أخرى، الظروف الاقتصادية العامة والظروف التي تؤثر على الصناعات التي تعمل فيها الشركة؛ وعدم التأكد من المتطلبات التنظيمية والموافقات؛ والقدرة على الحصول على التمويل اللازم بشروط مقبولة أو على الإطلاق. لا ينبغي للقراء أن يعتمدوا بلا داعٍ على البيانات التطلعية لأنها تتضمن هذه الشكوك المعروفة وغير المعروفة وعوامل أخرى قد تكون، في بعض الحالات، خارجة عن سيطرة الشركة والتي يمكن، ومن المرجح، أن تؤثر مادياً على النتائج الفعلية ومستويات النشاط أو الأداء أو الإنجازات. ويعكس أي بيان تطلعي وجهات النظر الحالية للشركة فيما يتعلق بالأحداث المستقبلية ويخضع لهذه المخاطر وغيرها من المخاطر والشكوك والافتراضات المتعلقة بالعمليات ونتائج العمليات واستراتيجية النمو والسيولة. ولا تتحمل الشركة أي التزام بتحديث أو مراجعة هذه البيانات التطلعية علناً لأي سبب من الأسباب، أو لتحديث أسباب اختلاف النتائج الفعلية مادياً عن تلك المتوقعة في هذه البيانات التطلعية، حتى لو أصبحت أي معلومات جديدة متاحة في المستقبل.

الفيديو –
الشعار –
الشعار –


Covid-19 deaths (Dec 7): 38 reported fatalities, total at 30,652

Published by
Malaysiakini (English)

COVID-19 | The Health Ministry reported a total of 38 new Covid-19 fatalities yesterday (Dec 6), bringing the cumulative death toll to 30,652. From the newly reported deaths yesterday, 21.1 percent or 8 died before they could receive treatment at a hospital. Malaysia has the highest number of deaths per capita in the Asean and East Asian regions with 930 deaths per one million population, and fourth-worst in Asia after Iran, Lebanon and Jordan – all in the Middle East. Selangor recorded the highest number of new deaths at 6, making up 15.8 percent of the newly reported fatalities. The remainin…


King visits JAF agricultural mega-project in Al Ghamr, urges making it a Jordanian success story

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday reaffirmed that Al Ghamr holds a special place in the hearts of all Jordanians, calling for making the area a Jordanian success story and a model for similar agricultural projects across the Kingdom.

During a tour of an agricultural mega-project implemented by the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF) in Al Ghamr, King Abdullah stressed that farmers should benefit from such projects, transforming them into a source of support rather than competition.

His Majesty underscored the need for quantitative and qualitative leaps in agricultural production to benefit Jordanians and enhance food security in the country, noting the importance of diversifying crops in the Jordan Valley to bolster the agricultural sector and the national economy.

The King voiced pride in JAF’s role in implementing agricultural development projects.

His Majesty, accompanied by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, was briefed on the project, which was established by the JAF in the first quarter of 2021.

The project, which entails utilising 14,000 dunums of Al Ghamr and surrounding lands over five phases, aims to achieve food security, bolster local community development, modernise agricultural technology, and provide employment and training opportunities.

The first phase of the project, representing 10% of the five-year plan, provides 250 job opportunities and includes water wells and irrigation infrastructure, as well as a packaging facility that meets international standards and takes into account the needs of other local farmers.

Jordan exercises full sovereignty over Baqura and Al Ghamr, since November 2019, and His Majesty has directed the government and JAF to develop and utilise these areas in service of Jordan and Jordanians.

In October 2018, the King announced Jordan’s decision to terminate the Peace Treaty annexes on Baqura and Al Ghamr, which had allowed Israel to use these territories.

Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi accompanied His Majesty on the visit.

Source: Jordan News Agency


UK pledges £9mln for Jordan’s emergency social protection programme

The UK Monday pledged £9 million for the National Aid Fund (NAF) social protection programme “Takaful 3,” as British support for the programme since the start of the pandemic totals £34 million.

In a meeting with the British envoy in Amman, Ayman Mifleh, the social development minister, praised the UK for its support for NAF’s emergency programme.

For her part, British ambassador Bridget Brind commended NAF for its “vital” role in supporting families that have been hit hard by the economic ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brind emphasised the UK is committed to supporting Jordan to buttress its social protection system that would contribute to cushioning the blow of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups.

Barq Dmour, NAF’s acting director-general, briefed the ambassador about the services of NAF, highlighting the Fund’s strategy is to introduce medium- and long-term social protection programmes that would tackle the social and economic fallout of the pandemic.

Source: Jordan News Agency


UK reports 180 COVID fatalities

The UK’s health department Tuesday reported 180 COVID-19 deaths, taking the death toll to 145,826.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said some 45,690 people tested positive for the highly contagious lung disease, as the caseload tops 10 million.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Jordanian-Palestinian joint meetings kick off in Ramallah, 1st, final add

Shamali said that there is an opportunity to enhance trade exchange and drive it to the desired level within the framework of the distinguished trade relations, the proximity of the two markets and the consumption pattern in the two countries.

“We hope that more procedures and measures will emerge from this committee that will enhance the volume of trade exchange, diversify the base of exchanged commodities and achieve more trade agreements and deals,” the minister stressed.

“We also look forward to activating the agreements that had been signed and working on their implementation and overcoming all difficulties encountering that, and I am confident that what will be discussed in this committee in the fields of trade, investment, industry, energy, transportation, pharmaceutical industries and agriculture, in addition to the cooperation in the fields of education, tourism, culture and others and what will be signed at the end of these meetings, will have the most impact on developing trade and investment relations between our two countries and will contribute to a qualitative leap in bilateral relations,” Shamali added.

Palestinian Economy Minister Khaled Osaili said, “Our goal is to raise the trade exchange to more than $1 billion,” indicating that the committee will discuss a number of issues and challenges that hinder trade between the two countries.

“We have many demands from the Israeli side, such as extending commercial work across the bridge to 24 hours instead of 7 hours now (8-3) and removing trade obstacles between the Jordanian and Palestinian sides,” Osaili added.

The committee will continue its meetings on Wednesday and complete the discussion of its agenda and topics that will enhance bilateral cooperation and the documents of the agreements to be signed, and submit the summary of the committee’s work to the Higher Committee, which will meet under the chairmanship of the prime ministers of the two countries in Ramallah on Thursday.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Jordanian-Palestinian joint meetings kick off in Ramallah

Preparatory meetings of the Joint Jordanian-Palestinian Higher Committee has kicked off on Tuesday in Ramallah.

The meetings were chaired by Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Youssef Shamali and Palestinian Minister of National Economy Khaled Osaili, with the participation of Ministers of Transport, Wajeeh Azayzeh, Energy and Mineral Resources, Saleh Kharabsheh, Digital Economy, Ahmad Hanandeh, and Agriculture, Khaled Hunaifat, and their Palestinian counterparts, Jordan’s Ambassador in Ramallah, Mohammad Abu Wendy, and a number of officials from both countries.

The committee is discussing a number of issues aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation in various economic fields.

Minister Shamali said the Jordanian government is keen on developing economic and trade relations between the two countries, and d creating trade and investment opportunities for the Jordanian and Palestinian business community.

“We work together to facilitate the establishment of sustainable bilateral partnerships in the trade, industrial and other fields, which contribute to efforts aimed at achieving sustainable economic and social development in the two countries,” Shamali added.

He said that in light of the obstacles facing Jordanian-Palestinian economic relations due to unilateral Israeli measures that limit the flow of goods to the Palestinian market, as Israel controls the other side over the border crossings between the two countries, it has become necessary to find a solution to these obstacles and to put in place effective frameworks to develop trade exchange between Jordan and Palestine.

The value of Jordanian exports to the Palestinian market amounted to $152.2 million last year, a decrease of 6.3% compared to the previous year, while the value of Palestinian exports to the Jordanian market amounted to $50.5 million last year, an increase of 6.4% compared to 2019.

During the first eight months of this year, the value of Jordanian exports to the Palestinian market amounted to $115.7 million, an increase of 30.2% compared to the same period last year, while the value of Palestinian exports to the Jordanian market during the same period of this year amounted to $43.3 million, an increase of 53.7% compared to the last year.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Dutch-funded municipal business support project concluded

Finn Church Aid (FCA) and HelpAge International (HAI) on Tuesday hosted a closing ceremony to celebrate the conclusion of the Dutch funded Municipal Business (MUBU) project.

The project supported the economic empowerment of youth from vulnerable communities across Jordan.

Launched in 2019, the MUBU project supported vulnerable Jordanian and Syrian refugee youth with livelihood opportunities through a holistic family approach. The project was implemented in the six governorates of: the Greater Jarash, Junaid, Za’atari and Manshieh, Dhlail, Sahab and Mahis. The project links to the decentralized agenda of Government of Jordan as localized support ensures sustainability and utilize local resources, FCA said in a statement.

Over the projects two-year implementation period, 256 individuals were supported to establish their own home-based or retail business. In addition, 162 women and men, out of which 70% are youth, from the local communities were employed at these businesses, the statement added.

“Youth are at the heart of the Netherlands development cooperation and we take pride in MUBU for not only providing youth with training and skills workshops but also empowering them to form peer-to-peer advisory groups,” said Ambassador of the Netherlands to Jordan Harry Verweij during the ceremony.

The MUBU project also aimed to reduce the economic and social burden on young people who are taking care of people with disabilities (PWDs), and elderly family members by providing them with home care support, social and health services, and a referral to other partnering social and health service providers.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Queen congratulates teacher academy on CAEP accreditation

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah Tuesday visited the Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) in the King Hussein Business Park to congratulate its staff after one of its training programmes received the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) accreditation.

Last week, the QRTA announced its in-service Teacher Education Professional Diploma (TEPD), which offers online and in-person training to teachers, had been accredited by the CAEP, the largest accreditation council of its kind in the US, making the academy the first educational organization to have received the international academic accreditation in Jordan and the third in the Middle East.

In a meeting with QRTA’s CEO Dr Osama Obeidat and members of the academy’s management, Her Majesty stated the CAEP accreditation is a testament to the competency of the academy and the caliber of its in-service TEPD programmes.

“This achievement didn’t happen overnight. It comes after a ten-year journey of hard work and constant evolution,” the Queen said, adding that the QRTA must continue to assess its programmes to monitor their impact on teachers and students.

The TEPD was launched in 2016 by the QRTA as a pre-service diploma in cooperation with University College London and the Ministry of Education. In May 2021, the QRTA handed over the pre-service diploma to the University of Jordan and three other public universities, making the first-of-its-kind diploma available to prospective teachers across the country.

The QRTA has since moved out of University of Jordan campus and developed an in-service version of the TEPD, which it now offers to teachers in Jordan and the region.

In the meeting, Obeidat explained the CAEP accreditation process took two years to complete, and it included the submission of a comprehensive roadmap, rigorous documentation, several interviews and a site visit.

The QRTA’s in-service TEPD was granted full accreditation for the coming seven years, which is the maximum accreditation period granted by the council.

Her Majesty was briefed on the QRTA’s current work, including its introduction of an online and blended teacher-training model in light of the pandemic. The team explained their efforts to share their experience in pre-service teacher training with public universities, contributing to the successful scaling of the pre-service TEPD programmes.

The meeting also included a summary of the QRTA’s recent contributions to the local and regional education industry, such as the academy’s series of free live webinars hosted by Jordanian and Arab educational experts, totaling 72 sessions and netting 789,000 views to date.

In September, the QRTA launched a number of open-source online courses, attracting 6,105 registered users from Jordan and across the region for courses on topics including managing an online classroom, behavior management and innovation in education.

Established in 2009, the QRTA is a non-profit organization aimed at empowering educators with the skills to nurture and lead future generations. It has extended thousands of professional development opportunities to public school teachers and leaders.

It continues to offer many training programs to educators. The QRTA also hosts the annual Teacher Skills Forum, with this year’s online version drawing the viewership of nearly 7,000 educators from 50 countries worldwide.

Source: Jordan News Agency