Arabic MENA Press Releases

الجامعة التكنولوجية الماليزية ترعى روّاد الأعمال التكنولوجية عبر نظام تسويق بيئي إستراتيجي

جوهور بارو، ماليزيا، 29 ديسمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أنشأت الجامعة التكنولوجية الماليزية (UTM) 45 شركة تكنولوجية منبثقة، وذلك اتساقًا مع شعارها «الابتكار وريادة الأعمال والعالمية». وتوفر الجامعة الدعم اللازم لأقسام البحث والتطوير التابعة لها (مثل أقسام المواد الجديدة، واستدامة الموارد، والحلول الهندسية المبتكرة، والصحة والعافية، والمجتمعات الرقمية الذكية) بهدف إنشاء المزيد من الشركات المنبثقة ورعايتها في المستقبل.

Synergistic interactions between UTM researcher and students

وقد حققت بعض الشركات البحثية المنبثقة من جامعة UTM إيرادات سنوية تُقدّر بالملايين، كما حققت عوائد مرتفعة للجامعة؛ ومن بين هذه الشركات: Gates IT Solutions Sdn. Bhd.، وDF Automation Sdn. Bhd.، وBiopro Cosmeceutical SdnBhd..

ومنذ اعتمادها رسميًا كجامعة بحثية في عام 2010؛ عملت UTM على تسخير جهودها في مجال البحث والتطوير لتلبية الاحتياجات السوقية والمجتمعية؛ فبدأت تنفيذ أنشطة مركّزة للتسويق لأعمال البحث والتطوير الخاصّة بها من خلال تطوير نظام تسويق بيئي إستراتيجي يركّز على رعاية الباحثين والطلاب عبر مجموعة متنوّعة من البرامج.

دور مركز التبادل التكنولوجي

وفي إطار دعمها لجهود البحث والتطوير، أنشأت الجامعة مركز الابتكار والتسويق (ICC)، وهو مركز معني بنقل التكنولوجيا ويهدف إلى مساعدة الباحثين والطلاب على تسويق منتجاتهم البحثية وتأسيس شركات منبثقة وناشئة عبر برنامج إستراتيجي يتألف من ثلاث مراحل.  وقد تمكّن مركز ICC -من خلال تعاونه مع مركز ابتكار الطلاب وريادة الأعمال التكنولوجية، ومركز UTM المهني، ونوادي ريادة الأعمال الطلابية- من تطوير هذا البرنامج الإستراتيجي بمراحله الثلاثة: “مرحلة المبتدئين” و”مرحلة المؤهلين” و”مرحلة المتقدّمين”. يتم تزويد المشاركين في هذا البرنامج بالأدوات والمعرفة الفنّية اللازمة ليتمكّنوا من ريادة الأعمال التكنولوجية؛ وذلك عبر عمليات التبادل المعرفي، وتوفير المرافق والتمويل اللازم، وإقامة علاقات مع الجهات الفاعلة في القطاع التكنولوجي.

مرحلة المبتدئين

خلال هذه المرحلة الأولية، يتم إرشاد الباحثين والطلاب عبر رحلة تبدأ من توليد الأفكار وإنشاء النماذج الأولية لمشروعاتهم مرورًا بتنفيذ التجارب وعمليات إثبات المفاهيم وانتهاءً بحصول ابتكاراتهم على حقوق حماية الملكية الفكرية. لتوليد أفكار مبتكرة، ينبغي للباحثين والطلاب العمل على مشروعات قابلة للتطوير؛ لذا، تُصمّم مشروعات التخرّج بحيث تكون ملائمة لهذا الغرض، كما تسهم مسابقات الأفكار التجارية وفعاليات المبرمجين (الهاكاثون) في إثراء وتعزيز هذه المشروعات بدرجة كبيرة.

مرحلتا المؤهلين والمتقدّمين

خلال هاتين المرحلتين، يتم تسريع عملية التسويق. لذا أنتجت UTM برنامجًا فريدًا لرعاية البحوث أطلقت عليه اسم «ICCubeX» بغرض دعم الباحثين في تطوير ابتكاراتهم وتنفيذها وتسويقها.

ويتألف ICCubeX من برنامج إرشادي يضم مجموعات عديدة من روّاد الأعمال التكنولوجية والباحثين، وبرنامج تكافلي لطلاب الدراسات العليا والطلاب الجامعيين، وهذا الأخير يركّز على دمج التكنولوجيات المحتملة التي تعمل الجامعات ومراكز البحوث على تطويرها.

علاوة على ذلك، تُموّل الابتكارات من صندوق تطوير النماذج الأولية وصندوق تنفيذ التكنولوجيا وصندوق تسويق المنتجات؛ وذلك شريطة اجتيازها تقييمات دقيقة في مرحلة الفرز.

وخلال هاتين المرحلتين النهائيتين، توفر جامعة UTM للشركات المنبثقة والناشئة احتياجاتها من المرافق (كالمكاتب والمختبرات ومساحات التصنيع وغير ذلك) في متنزه الابتكار التكنولوجي (Technovation Park) التابع للجامعة؛ وهو ما يعكس التزام الجامعة بالدعم الشامل للباحثين والطلاب.

تعزيز التعاون بين الباحثين والطلاب 

ستضيف الجامعة قيمة مضافة إلى نظام تسويقها البيئي من خلال تعزيز التعاون المباشر بين الباحثين والطلاب عبر منصتها الإستراتيجية للشركات الناشئة؛ وذلك وفقًا لما ذكرته الأستاذة المشاركة الدكتورة نور أزوراتي صالح، رئيسة مركز ICC التابع لجامعة UTM.

وقالت الدكتورة أزوراتي: «إنّ جامعة UTM تسعى إلى دعم ورعاية طلابها الجامعيين وطلاب الدراسات العليا بها بشكل أفضل عن طريق التوجيه والتفاعل المباشر مع الباحثين المشاركين في البرامج والأنشطة التي يتضمّنها نظامنا التسويقي البيئي.»

وأضافت د. أزوراتي «إنّ هذه المبادرة ستساعد على إنشاء الطلاب للمزيد من الشركات التكنولوجية الناشئة والشركات المنبثقة المتميّزة؛ وهو ما يسهم بشكل مباشر في زيادة معدّلات توظيف خريجي الجامعة في المستقبل.»

لا تقتصر جهود جامعة UTM -من خلال نظامها التسويقي البيئي- على دعم روّاد الأعمال، لكنّها تدعم أيضًا التكنولوجيا والابتكارات التي يمكن أن تزيد من تكوين الثروات ورفاهية المجتمعات.

عن الجامعة التكنولوجية الماليزية ( UTM )

جامعة UTM هي جامعة بحثية رائدة تهدف إلى تخريج أجيال من روّاد الأعمال والمبتكرين في مجالات الهندسة والعلوم والتكنولوجيا، وتقع مقرّاتها في كوالالمبور وجوهور بارو وباغو في ماليزيا.  وتشتهر الجامعة بتقدّمها في المعارف والخبرات الهندسية والتكنولوجية.  تعمل جامعة UTM وفقًا لمجموعة من المبادئ الأساسية وهي النزاهة والتعاون والتميّز والاستدامة، وتتقيّد ممارسات مجتمع UTM بهذه القيم؛ وتُعدّ هذه القيم جزءًا لا يتجزأ من توجهاتها الإستراتيجية التي تدفع الجامعة نحو التميّز. لمزيد من المعلومات عن مركز ICC وجامعة UTM، يُرجى زيارة و

 رابط الصورة المرفقة:

MENA Press Releases


LG’s 2022 Complete Kitchen Solution Delivers Advanced Cooking Technologies and Seamless Access to Smart Recipes

SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — LG Electronics (LG) is about to make life in the kitchen easier than ever with the introduction of its latest cooking appliances, LG InstaView® Double Oven Range and Over-the-Range Microwave Oven. Featuring the company’s core cooking technologies, these premium appliances are the first to offer seamless integration with the new LG ThinQ™ Recipe service.[1] Double Oven Range features LG InstaView technology that lets users see inside an appliance by simply knocking twice on the glass, illuminating the interior without having to open the door and letting hot air escape. A complete cooking solution for today’s homes, both products are making their debut at CES 2022 next week.

LG InstaView® Double Oven Range and Over-the-Range Microwave Oven

The new oven range leverages LG’s ProBake® Convection technology for quick and thorough cooking without preheating to deliver delicious, evenly-cooked meals every time. With its precise temperature and airflow control, ProBake provides shorter cooking times and is also the key ingredient in the oven’s Air Fry and Air Sous Vide modes. Air Fry allows cooks to create delectable, crispy fried treats using far less oil than deep frying while Air Sous Vide ensures tender, juicy dishes that will keep diners wanting more. And delicious doesn’t mean having to wait longer, thanks to LG’s UltraHeat™ Power Burner technology.

The other half of the exceptional kitchen duo, LG Over-the-Range Microwave Oven, employs proprietary Steam Cook technology to prepare foods that are juicier, healthier and tastier. The Slide-out ExtendaVent™ in this premium microwave is effective in reducing the presence of smoke and lingering odors in the kitchen. And with its EasyClean interior, the oven is a breeze to keep clean thanks to the advanced coating that prevents food and grease from sticking and allows easy cleanup with only a damp cloth.[2] LG’s minimalist design language is perfectly exemplified in the stainless steel and tempered glass of LG WideView™ Window.

LG ThinQ Recipe

New for 2022, LG ThinQ Recipe service delivers a more complete and convenient user experience by making all smart kitchen services and content from LG and its partners available in one place. Accessed via the ThinQ app, LG ThinQ Recipe offers a seamless journey that allows anyone to search, plan, purchase and cook, following hundreds of easy-to-follow recipes including mouth-watering options from talented creators and LG Originals Series, the latter prepared by LG’s own chefs showcasing how to best use features of LG cooking appliances.[1] Powered by SideChef, ThinQ Recipe also offers over 10,000 one-click shoppable recipes for the ultimate home cooking experiences, turning a single recipe or a weekly meal plan into a grocery shopping orderable directly from the app via Walmart or Amazon Fresh.[3]

In partnership with Boston-based AI start-up Foodspace Technology, ThinQ Recipe also integrates LG’s time-saving Scan to Cook feature, for scan-and-send cooking directions for select frozen meals.

Proactive Customer Care, LG’s AI customer service solution, can be accessed from the intuitive ThinQ app as well. Using artificial intelligence and deep learning technology to analyze product performance data, Proactive Customer Care can send users helpful alerts and maintenance tips to keep their LG ovens running optimally year after year.[4]

The 2022 LG InstaView Range with ThinQ Recipe will be on display in LG’s virtual exhibition booth at CES 2022 starting January 5.

[1] LG ThinQ Recipe app is applicable for models featuring Scan to Cook. Services and features may vary depending on model or region.
[2] EasyClean available only on gas models.
[3] Services and features may vary depending on model or region.
[4] Availability of Proactive Customer Care may vary depending on model or region.

About LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company

The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company is a global leader in home appliances, smart home solutions, air solutions as well as visionary products featuring LG ThinQ AI. The company is creating various solutions with its industry leading core technologies and is committed to making life better and healthier for consumers by developing thoughtfully designed kitchen appliances, living appliances, HVAC and air purification solutions. Together, these products deliver enhanced convenience, superb performance, efficient operation and compelling health benefits. For more news on LG, visit

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Fantasy football Week 17: Add and drop (Championship edition)

Published by
The San Diego Union-Tribune

Each week I’ll list the best widely available free agents for fantasy football — I define “widely available” as being owned in around half of all ESPN or Yahoo leagues — and some guys who are probably better off in the free agent pool than collecting dust on your roster. Follow me on Twitter @UTEddieBrown if you have questions throughout the week. Here are my best bets off the waiver wire for Week 17: ADD — RB Rashaad Penny, Seahawks (ESPN: 44%; Yahoo: 70%): Dropping Penny after his dud against the Rams would’ve been a mistake (one I advised against). He has 311 yards on 44 carries (7.1 yards …


Jordan signs agreement with Germany, EU to implement water projects in 5 governorates

The government on Wednesday signed an agreement to finance Part VI of the Water Resources Management Program (48 million euros loans) from Germany’s KfW Development Bank, aimed at improving wastewater treatment and environmentally friendly sludge disposal.

Planning and International Cooperation Minister Nasser Shraideh, Minister of Water and Irrigation, Muhammad Najjar and Senior Portfolio Manager for KfW Water Program, Ennis Martin, signed the agreement.

“The implementation of these water and sanitation projects in Amman, Irbid, Ramtha, Jerash and Ajloun, especially Syrian refugees host communities, will serve about 80,000 people,” Najjar said at the signing event.

He added that water sector stakeholders seek to enhance and improve water and environmental situations, in cooperation with donors and funding entities, which will lea to the development of services provided to citizens.

Najjar highlighted projects under implementation in the water sector, as well as plans and programs funded by Germany and the European Union (EU), and projects to be implemented through these four packages with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of water networks, reducing losses and improving the capacity of water resources.

For her part, Martin said that the EU (including Germany) fully supports the reform of the water sector and infrastructure in Jordan with a focus on water efficiency, reducing waste, and providing fresh water, which constitute a key issues in Jordan.

The value of the EU’s continuous bilateral support to the water and sanitation sector in the form of grants and soft loans provided to the water sector, including the (Syrian Refugee Crisis Response Framework) amounted to more than 150 million euros, increasing the investment to more than 500 million euros.

Source: jordan News Agency


Gov’t approves set of measures to stabilize basic commodities prices

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a set of measures and proposals that would facilitate the flow of basic commodities and enhance the strategic stock, thus contributing to the stability of basic commodities and food prices.

Procedures, approved in a session chaired by Prime Minister, Bisher Khasawneh, included reducing inspection fees on imported foodstuffs by (30%) for three months, in all inspection stakeholders, namely: (the Ministry of Agriculture, the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO), and the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA)).

The procedures also included reducing customs duties on some basic foodstuffs, increasing work efficiency and expediting completion of customs transactions, inspecting containers arriving at the port of Aqaba (Yard No. 4) from all regulatory authorities, and mandating them to work 24/7.

They also included extending the exemption period for storing containers from (6) days to (14) days for three months for basic materials only, in addition to reducing the inspection fees on containers in Yard No. 4 by (JD15) per container for basic materials for three months. Under the decision, the inspection fee for a 40-feet capacity container becomes (JD60) instead of (JD75), and a 20-feet capacity container will worth (JD50) instead of (JD65).

Source: jordan News Agency


Cabinet extends land, apartment fee exemption until March end

The Cabinet Wednesday decided to extend its previous order by which lands and apartments would benefit from fee and tax exemptions until March 31, 2022.

The order would exempt lands and apartments from sale tax and registration fees, and fees for passing property to heirs would be also exempted from registration fees.

It was also decided to exempt the first 150 square metes of a house from registration fees, irrespective of the house’s size. The tax on the extra square meters in a house will be slashed by 50 percent, the order highlights. Nevertheless, only Jordanians will benefit from the order.

As for lands, the registration and tax fees will be also cut by 50 percent to spur investments and breathe life into the market.

Source: jordan News Agency


Cabinet approves protection of personal data draft law

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a draft law on the protection of personal data of 2021.

The draft law aims to enhance the constitutional rights and freedoms stipulated in the Jordanian constitution and to consolidate the Kingdom’s position among countries that regulate the digital environment and protect personal data in light of the ease of its collection, retention and processing, and to prevent attacks on the right of citizens and residents to protect their personal data and privacy established under the provisions of the constitution and related laws.

The draft law also aims to create a legal framework that creates balance between mechanisms of individuals’ rights to protect their personal data, and allowing data and information to be processed and preserved in the light of cyberspace, and the spread of concepts of big data and industrial intelligence.

It also establishes regulatory frameworks for preserving and processing personal data within clear restrictions and obligations, which contributes to enhancing the necessary confidence in engaging in the digital economy and contributing to promoting e-commerce and services in the Kingdom.

The draft also comes to build an enabling environment to ensure the safety of cyberspace and support its stability, and to define obligations and duties imposed on the person responsible for personal data, its processor and recipient, and penalties and fines imposed on violators of the provisions of the law, regulations and instructions issued pursuant thereto.

Under the draft law, a Personal Data Protection Board will be formed, and its mandates and authorities, and tasks of the organizational unit specialized in protecting personal data will be identified within the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.

In the same session, chaired by Prime Minister, Bisher Khasawneh, the Council of Minister also approved the Government Procurement System of 2021, which aims to clearly reorganize government procurement procedures and remove ambiguity from some standards in this process.

On the other hand, the Cabinet decided to appoint Minister Plenipotentiary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Asal Al-Tall as the Kingdom’s ambassador to the Republic of South Korea, and to name Jordan’s ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Daifallah Al-Fayez, as a non-resident ambassador to the Republic of Estonia.

The Cabinet also agreed to terminate services of Director General of the Awqaf Funds Development Department, Mahmoud Al-Hadid, at his request, and to accept the resignation of head of the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC), Qais Al-Safasfah.

Source: jordan News Agency


Petra Director General honors media students at Zarqa University

Deputizing for Minister of State for Media Affairs and government spokesperson, Faisal Shboul, Director General of Jordan News Agency (Petra), Fayeq Hijazin, on Wednesday honored winner students at the Zarqa University’s Faculty of Media who participated in the second session of the creativity festival in Media.

Hijazin said that students of media faculties at Jordanian universities enjoy unique technical skills to produce media content capable of addressing issues of interest to society, calling for developing these skills through field training in various forms of journalism and media work.

Hijazin announced the initiative of the ceremony’s sponsor, Minister Shboul, on organizing a training course for winners of this festival’s awards at the Jordan News Agency (Petra) to increase their professional and technical capabilities in various forms of journalism.

He added that the Jordan News Agency is the house of expertise in creating news and journalistic content that carry the message of the Jordanian state, and it is also a house of expertise in high-level journalistic training from a technical aspect.

President of the Zarqa University, Nidal Ramahi, said that the festival aims to encourage students of media faculties in Jordanian universities to present their journalistic and media work to increase their professional capabilities in their field of specialization, which will positively reflect on increasing their competitive capabilities in finding job opportunities in the local or regional market.

Dean of the Faculty of Media, Amjad Saffouri, said that the festival’s current session received 60 productions from the faculties of media from Universities of Yarmouk , the Middle East, Zarqa and Applied Sciences, and Al-Khwarizmi University College. They covered all the festival’s themes in the field of documentaries, short films, podcasts, investigative journalism, feature stories and digital works.

Source: jordan News Agency


Gov’t floats tenders to build 16 schools across Kingdom

The Government Tenders Department on Wednesday floated tenders to build 16 schools throughout the Kingdom, funded by a loan from the Saudi Fund for Development.

Operations include the construction of school buildings in several governorates, and each project will cover all civil, architectural and electromechanical works in addition to external works.

The department called on Saudi contractors classified in the field of buildings, specialized in constructing buildings in the second year, and they also have a classification in the field of electromechanical in the second category in coalition with Jordanian contractors classified with the Government Tenders Department in the field of buildings, specialized in constructing buildings in the first, second or third category, and according to the classification category, all or Jordanian contractors classified by the Government Tenders Department in the field of buildings, specialized in constructing buildings in the first, second or third category, and according to the classification category for each tender in coalition between two bidders only (Jordanian and Saudi) as a maximum to fulfill the terms of the tender invitation. No bidder is allowed to participate in more than one coalition.

It also called on contractors wishing to participate in this invitation to visit the Government Tenders Department at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, as of Thursday, or withdraw the invitation through the Jordanian electronic procurement system (JONEPS).

Source: jordan News Agency


Man drowns in fish farm in Irbid

A fortysomething man Wednesday drowned in a fish farm in the Bani Kinanah District, Irbid, according to an official.

Omar Qudah, the district’s lieutenant governor, said a team of the Civil Defence Department (CDD) had recovered the floating body from the pool, as it was referred to the coroner in the northern district to issue a report on the incident.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident.

Source: jordan News Agency