Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫تقرير المليونيرات Centi-Millionaire: ظهور طبقة جديدة من فاحشي الثراء

لندن، 18 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2022 / PRNewswire / — إنه سؤال قديم: ما مقدار المال الذي تحتاجه لتكون فاحش الثراء؟ يكشف تقرير تاريخي جديد عن صعود المليونير أنه على الرغم من أن الكثير من المليارديرات في العالم مثل إيلون موسك ومارك زوكربيرج وجيف بيزوس ورومان أبراموفيتش وبيل جيتس يهيمنون على عناوين الأخبار، إلا أن ثروتهم فاقتها نخبة عالمية سريعة النمو، بما يقرب 10 مرات، من أصحاب النفوذ والأثرياء الفائقين الذين يمتلكون 100 مليون دولار أمريكي أو أكثر في الأصول القابلة للاستثمار.

تسحب الدراسة العالمية الأولى لـ 25490 من أصحاب مئات الملايين في العالم، الستار عن فئة متنامية وقوية من عمالقة التكنولوجيا الأثرياء والممولين والمديرين التنفيذيين متعددي الجنسيات والورثة الذين تضخمت صفوفهم وسط فترة من الازدهار العالمي النسبي ومكاسب السوق – أكثر من الضعف في العدد على مدار العشرين عامًا الماضية – والتي تسارعت وتيرة تراكم رأس مالها بشكل كبير بسبب الآثار المدمرة اقتصاديًا واجتماعيًا للتكنولوجيا ووباء كوفيد الأخير.

يشير تقرير أصحاب مئات الملايين الصادر عن شركة استشارات الهجرة الدولية Henley & Partners إلى أنه في أواخر التسعينيات، كان يُنظر إلى من يملك 30 مليون دولار أمريكي على أنه “فاحش الثراء ” ولكن أسعار الأصول ارتفعت بشكل كبير منذ ذلك الحين، مما جعل 100 مليون دولار أمريكي المعيار الجديد.

الولايات المتحدة هي موطن لنسبة مذهلة من المليونيرات، تبلغ 38٪ (9730) على مستوى العالم، على الرغم من أنهم يشكلون 4٪ فقط من إجمالي سكان العالم. تليها الأسواق الناشئة الكبيرة في الصين والهند في المرتبة الثانية والثالثة، مع 2021 و 1132 مليونيرًا على التوالي. لقد احتلت مرتبة أعلى بكثير من الأسواق الأوروبية الرئيسية، حيث احتلت المملكة المتحدة المرتبة الرابعة (مع 968 مليونيرًا) تليها ألمانيا في المرتبة الخامسة (مع 966). تشكل سويسرا (808) واليابان (765) وكندا (541) وأستراليا (463) وأخيراً روسيا (435) بقية الدول العشر الأولى من حيث عدد المليونيرات.

وفقًا للتقرير، يبدو أنه لا يوجد مسار محدد للوصول إلى وضع المليونير، لكن هناك بعض الاختلافات الملحوظة بين الأجيال. في حين أن عددًا متزايدًا من رواد الأعمال الشباب الذين أسسوا شركات تكنولوجية ناجحة هم من الوافدين الجدد إلى النادي، لا يزال مواليد جيل الطفرة يميلون إلى السيطرة على دائرة المليونير على الرغم من أن الكثيرين الآن يستفيدون من خيارات الأسهم الخاصة بهم ويبيعون أعمالهم.

كما يشير ميشا غليني ، الصحفي المالي والمؤلف والمساهم في تقرير المليونيرات ، بشكل غير مفاجئ، إلى أن الذكور البيض الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 55 عامًا من الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا يشكلون غالبية المجموعة، لكن هذه التركيبة السكانية في طور التغيير. “بنسبة 57٪، سيكون نمو عدد المليونيرات في آسيا ضعف نمو أوروبا والولايات المتحدة خلال العقد القادم. يتركز في المقام الأول في الصين والهند، ومن المقرر أن يتفوق أصحاب الملايين في هذه البلدان على أقرانهم الأوروبيين والأمريكيين. “

من المتوقع أن تكون فيتنام هي السوق الأسرع نموًا للمليونيرات على مدى العقد المقبل، مع معدل نمو مذهل بنسبة 95 ٪ متوقع لهذا المركز التصنيعي الآسيوي الناشئ. تأتي الهند في المرتبة التالية مع معدل نمو متوقع بنسبة 80٪ للأفراد بقيمة تزيد عن 100 مليون دولار أمريكي بحلول عام 2032. برزت موريشيوس مؤخرًا كنقطة ساخنة للمليونيرات المهاجرون، مع توقع نمو بنسبة 75٪ لهذه الدولة الجزرية الأفريقية الصديقة للأعمال. ثلاث دول أخرى في القارة تجعلها في صدارة أسواق المليونيرات الأسرع نموًا في العقد القادم – رواندا (70٪)، أوغندا (65٪)، كينيا (55٪) – مع نيوزيلندا (72٪) وكما يتوقع أن تتمتع أستراليا (60٪) بنمو استثنائي.

في تعليقه على التقرير، يقول المؤلف والكاتب المالي وخبير الاستثمار العالمي جيف أوبديك إن المبدأ الأساسي للحفاظ على الثروة في القرن الحادي والعشرين، بغض النظر عن حجم المحفظة، هو التنويع بعيدًا عن مخاطر تعرض معظم أو كل أصول الفرد إلى عملة واحدة وحكومة واحدة ونظام قانوني وضريبي ومالي واحد. “في عصر تُثقل فيه العملات بالديون والضعف الاقتصادي للبلدان التي تمثلها، لا يتطلب الأمر الكثير لتغيير الوضع الراهن. فقط انظر إلى الجنيه الإسترليني. في فترة أقل من شهرين، فقد ما يقرب من 30٪ من قيمته بالنسبة للدولار. هذه عملة غربية رئيسية. يمكن أن يحدث الشيء نفسه بسهولة للدولار”.

قم بتنزيل البيان الصحفي الكامل واقرأ تقرير المليونيرات

MENA Press Releases

World Economic Forum Adds Second SANY Factory to Global Lighthouse Network

CHANGSHA, China, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — SANY Heavy Industry (“SANY”), a leading enterprise of the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, now has two certified lighthouse factories as part of the prestigious World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Global Lighthouse Network (GLN). The No. 18 Factory in Changsha is the second certified Lighthouse Factory in the global heavy industry after SANY’s drilling machinery factory in Beijing.

Lighthouse factory of SANY

The GLN, established in collaboration with McKinsey, recognizes Lighthouse Factories around the world, which are factories that are pioneers of digital manufacturing and Globalization 4.0 and represent the highest level of intelligent manufacturing (IM) and digitalization.

In response to the challenges of cycle fluctuations in the heavy industry market and multi-variety yet low-volume production of heavy parts, SANY has fully leveraged flexible automated production, AI and scaled IoT solutions to establish a digital and flexible manufacturing system of heavy equipment in the No. 18 Factory. The improvements are significant: SANY has achieved a 123 percent expansion of production capacity, 98 percent increase in productivity and 29 percent reduction in unit manufacturing costs.

“There are only two Lighthouse Factories in the global heavy industry, and both are SANY’s. Getting the second certification is a recognition of our expertise and demonstrates our great achievements in advanced manufacturing and digital transformation,” said Xiang Wenbo, Chairman of SANY Heavy Industry.

This July, SANY was named as one of the “50 Smartest Companies” by MIT Technology Review, while its No. 18 factory is becoming the “smartest” Lighthouse Factory of heavy machinery:

  • The 100,000-square-meter factory produces pump trucks, trailer pumps and truck-mounted pumps, the market shares of which have been the highest globally for consecutive years.
  • The factory’s nine major manufacturing processes and 32 typical production scenarios have achieved full automation.
  • Every pump produced from the factory is given an exclusive “ID card” from the beginning of the production, and is intelligently dispatch by the MOM “factory brain” throughout the whole production process. The factory has achieved all elements of intelligent manufacturing.
  • All of the cutting and sorting of steel plates are completed by AI robots with 3D visualization, which improves the precision to 1mm, shortens the time by 60 percent and reduces material waste by nearly half.
  • The 1,540 sensors and 200 fully networked robots deployed throughout the factory is generating over 30TB of big data every day.
  • With arc tracking technology, the 3.7-meter-long 2.6-ton pump truck turntable has realized fixture-free gripping and welding for the first time in the industry.

SANY has invested 500 million yuan (USD 69.53 million) and innovatively achieved breakthroughs of 55 core technologies since Changsha Factory 18 project in 2020.

The IM transformation of Changsha Factory 18 has boosted its production capacity by 123 percent, staff efficiency by 98 percent and overall automation rate by 76 percent, with the capability of producing 263 SKUs. In 2021, the per-capita production value of the factory reached 14.7113 million yuan (USD 2.05 million), and the per-square-meter value was 154,000 yuan (USD 21,410).

The original technological and technical solutions born in the Changsha Factory 18 project have been quickly promoted in SANY’s 45 other factories. The 46 digitally transformed factories have mapped the blueprint of smart factories in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, expanding IM to the upstream and downstream links of the industrial chain at the same time.

“SANY is committed to the digital and intelligent transformation of intelligent products, manufacturing and operations through continuous technological advancement and experience sharing, and we thrive to become the IM benchmark of the global construction machinery industry,” added Xiang.

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Africa MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa

Mosa Meat Scaling Beef Cultivation to Industrial Production Levels

Recent expansion to 77,000 sq ft. makes Mosa Meat the largest cultivated meat campus in the world.

Maastricht, The Netherlands, Oct. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mosa Meat, a leader in the cultivated meat space that grows beef directly from animal cells, and unveiled the first cultivated hamburger in 2013, has announced the next step in the scale up of the company’s cultivated beef production facilities.

A new industrial production development center is being developed close to Mosa Meat’s existing pilot facility in Maastricht. After demonstrating the beef cultivation process at pilot scale, Mosa Meat is now ready for the next phase of expansion, housing industrial-size production lines and enabling larger production quantities of beef.

“We’ve expanded our space by 30,000 square feet in our next phase, which brings Mosa Meat’s total footprint to over 77,000 square feet,” shared Maarten Bosch, Mosa Meat’s CEO. “This makes us the largest cultivated meat campus in the world, and provides a solid foundation for our European and global commercialisation plans.”

Global meat consumption is projected to grow more than 40% by 2030, and Mosa Meat is part of a growing global movement to transform the way meat is produced. Beef specifically, is the protein with the highest carbon footprint, which is why Mosa Meat has focused on it since the company was founded in 2016.

Mosa Meat has grown to over 160 employees, with over 80 scientists and the largest number of PhDs in the industry in just a few years’ time. The production team has grown five-fold in the last three months to 15 members. Simultaneously the company has also expanded its footprint at existing locations, including operations at Brightlands and the current pilot facility in Maastricht, where R&D capacity continues to grow. Together, this brings Mosa Meat one step closer towards commercialisation.

Mosa Meat plans to announce the launch of its industrial production development center in 2023.


About Mosa Meat

Mosa Meat is a global food technology company pioneering a cleaner, kinder way of making real beef. Our founders introduced the world’s first cultivated beef hamburger in 2013, by growing it directly from cow cells. Founded in 2016, Mosa Meat is now scaling up production of the same beef that people love, but in a way that is better for people, animals, and the planet. A diverse and growing team of food-loving problem-solvers, we are united in our mission to fundamentally reshape the global food system. Headquartered in Maastricht, The Netherlands, Mosa Meat is a privately held company backed by Blue Horizon, M Ventures, Bell Food Group, Nutreco, Mitsubishi Corporation, Leonardo DiCaprio and other high-caliber investors.

Follow Mosa Meat on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram or visit to learn more about why people #cravechange. Access the Mosa Meat press kit here.


Tim van de Rijdt
Mosa Meat

MENA Press Releases


The innovative fractional art investment platform has signed a partnership agreement with Amicorp Group’s wealth management company, Amergeris, opening access to shared ownership of iconic art to the clients of private banks, family offices and wealth managers

LONDON, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Mintus, the fractional art investment platform, today announced its first major partnership in the discretionary fund management and wealth management sector as it seeks to expand its global reach.

Mintus is the first FCA authorised company to launch and scale art fractionalisation in the UK and the partnership with Amergeris Wealth Management (Switzerland) AG, part of Amicorp Group, will significantly expand Mintus’ exposure to investors across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Amergeris Wealth Management (Switzerland) AG, a licensed investment manager, structured the investment products for Mintus.

Launched in Q2 2022, Mintus has created an intuitive and accessible investment platform, backed with industry leading art and financial expertise, that offers investors an innovative way to buy shares and invest in high-quality, difficult to access, multi-million-pound contemporary artworks. Fractional ownership of art, enabled through investing in the shares issued by an investment vehicle which in turn owns the art, provides enhanced portfolio diversification and risk-adjusted returns for investors together with the unique opportunity to invest in some of the world’s greatest paintings at a fraction of their overall value.

Mintus has a pipeline of $150m of investment quality paintings from artists including Andy Warhol, George Condo, Jean-Michel Basquiat, David Hockney, Pablo Picasso, and René Magritte. Qualified Investors can buy shares in a fund that owns the individual paintings directly at Exposure to a diversified portfolio, made up of all the artwork on the Mintus platform, can also be accessed by investment into the Mintus Art Strategy, an Actively Managed Certificate (AMC) available to wealth managers and financial institutions through its ISIN code.

Amergeris Wealth Management Group AG was established in 2011 and offers specialist investment banking and wealth management to its clients either directly or through Amicorp Group via its global network of offices that include Singapore, Dubai, Zurich, London, Barbados, Curacao and Miami.

This is the first of several planned major partnerships with private banks and other wealth managers to provide their clients with access to shared ownership of exceptional investment grade art and tapping into the ever-increasing drive for portfolio diversification through alternative assets.

Brett Gorvy, Chief Curator at Mintus, commented: “Mintus removes the structural limitations around market access, risk management and the origination process for investors who are new to the art market or art enthusiasts who are priced out from rare, iconic paintings. The platform offers these rare, iconic paintings and the artists on the platform are among the most desirable and sought-after contemporary artists to collect today. Their markets are international and artists on the platform, such as Warhol, are currently experiencing new popular heights as a result of major museum retrospectives and record prices achieved at auction.”

Tamer Ozmen, Founder and CEO of Mintus, said: “These new partnerships are an exciting development in our business. We are implementing our plans to enter new markets globally by partnering with financial institutions, private banks and wealth managers. These partnerships allow qualified and accredited investors to invest alongside experienced financial institutions.”

Remko Van Ekelen, CEO of Amergeris, commented: “We are delighted to partner with Mintus. In this challenging inflationary environment, art investments provide strong portfolio diversification, inflation hedging attributes and strong capital preservation capabilities due to its uncorrelated nature to equities. Mintus’ offering strips out the extra costs and frictions generally associated with investing in art and makes it a very viable alternative asset class for our clients.”

Note to editors:

  • Full details of the investment and risks are included in the investment documents available to all qualifying investors who successfully complete the sign-up process with Mintus. Investors’ attention is drawn to the following key risks:
  • Liquidity. Shares held by investors are not traded on a recognised investment exchange. Investments are long-term. Mintus will allow secondary transactions in shares through its website in the future as a bulletin board.
  • Risk of Loss. All investments in shares involve a high degree of risk and compensation for loss of investment is not available.
  • Lack of Diversification. Shares held by investors in an investment vehicle represent interests in a specific, pre- identified artwork that is owned by that particular investment vehicle. The past performance of the art market, a particular artist’s work, or a given artwork is not a reliable indicator of its future performance.

Mintus Trading Limited is Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 942522.

Arabic MENA Press Releases

ميسان افضل مكتب محاماة في الكويت

مدينة الكويت18 أكتوبر / تشرين أول 2022/PRNewswire/ — اعلنت شركة التصنيف العالمية لمكاتب المحاماة International Financial Law Review (IFLR) عن منحها مرتبة الشرف المزدوجة لشركة ميسان للمحاماة في حفل توزيع جوائز IFLR الشرق الأوسط السنوي لعام 2022، والذي تم تقديمه في دبي في 12 أكتوبر.

Meysan winning best M&A deal of the year 2022

وجاء اعلان منح ميسان كافضل مكتب محاماة في الكويت على اثر الإنجازات التي حققتها خلال عام 2021 والجهود التي بذلتها خلال تقديمها العديد من الخدمات الخاصة بعمليات الدمج والاستحواذات وتقديم الحلول القانونية

وسبق ان منحت IFLR في عام 2015، ميسان جائزة “النجم الصاعد ” (Rising Star). وفي السنوات اللاحقة نمت شركة ميسان بشكل كبير، لتصبح من أكبر مكاتب المحاماة واحتلت المرتبة الأولى في سوق الكويت .

بالإضافة إلى جائزة أفضل مكتب محاماة، حصدت ميسان جائزة ثانية من IFLR عن ‘صفقة الاندماج والاستحواذ لهذا العام’ ومتعلقة بصفقة استحواذ DSV Panalpina على شركة Agility’s Global Integrated Logistics Business التي قدمت ميسان المشورة فيها حيث مثلت الصفقة البالغة قيمتها 4.1 مليار دولار أمريكي أكبر صفقة اندماج واستحواذ خاصة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي للعام المنصرم Meysan Best Law Firm in Kuwait - IFLR Awards 2022.

يذكر بان شركة التصنيف العالمية International Financial Law Review (IFLR) تعرف على انها متخصصة بتصنيف مكتب المحاماة عالمياً، وتقوم بإجراء مراجعات مستقلة في بلدان عديدة لتصنيف أفضل مكاتب المحاماة بعد اجراء العديد من المقابلات والبحوث والتدقيق لتصل الى تصنيف دقيق لمكاتب المحاماة والمحامين عالمياً .

MENA Press Releases

Anthology accelerates personalized LMS experience with all-new Blackboard Learn app

Mobile app launch and expanded student self-expression, accessibility tools drive a more modern, simplified experience on any device

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  Anthology, a leading provider of education solutions that support the entire learner lifecycle, today announced an all-new version of the Blackboard Learn mobile application. The new app is underpinned by Learn Ultra’s responsive web design and equipped with all the new features rolling out to Learn Ultra’s desktop version, providing a learning platform with a more personalized experience from any device. The announcement comes as Anthology continues to rapidly advance the development of its flagship learning management system, tripling resources for development and delivering a record number of new features in July.

“Today, we know learning isn’t confined to a classroom or a laptop,” said Jim Chalex, Vice President of Product Management, Teaching and Learning at Anthology. “We’re all-in on delivering a personalized experience for every learner and this new mobile app is just another way we’re empowering students to learn in a way that fits their needs.”

The app was developed relying on client input and combines what were formerly separate student and instructor applications into one version. Learn Ultra was originally built with mobile responsiveness as a cornerstone, distinguishing it from other learning management solutions that are retrofitted into mobile applications. The new mobile experience supports all Learn implementations, but as Anthology accelerates features developed for Learn Ultra, institutions deploying Learn Ultra will gain added  enhancements and upgrades. The result is an app that allows learners and instructors to seamlessly move their learning experience from their desktop to mobile and back again while simplifying the user experience.

“Navigating tests is simple,” said Keegan Macdonald, a college student and member of Anthology’s Student Advisory Council. “The new app makes learning easier with features like the ability to select individual students from class groups, as well as discussion board navigation that just works.”

The new app is part of Learn Ultra’s broader strategy to provide a learning experience tailored to each student and instructor’s needs. Learn Ultra’s self-expression tools, like the ability for learners to record their name pronunciation, are core to the product and critical in fostering a supportive environment. This month, Anthology will continue to expand its self-expression functionality by enabling learners to choose either their given name or an additional name and select how it’s displayed to those in class.

The mobile app experience is also optimized to create more inclusive learning environments for every student and instructor.  Utilizing the Learn Ultra experience with Anthology Ally can improve reading comprehension for all students, particularly for language learners and students with learning differences like dyslexia. Content developed in Learn Ultra is automatically formatted to be mobile responsive and, coupled with Anthology Ally, alternative formats like tagged PDFs, translated versions and audio files allow students to choose content that meets their needs in the moment.

The new Blackboard Learn application can be downloaded on The Apple Store or Google Play and is available now.

About Anthology

Anthology offers the largest EdTech ecosystem on a global scale for education, supporting more than 150 million users in 80 countries. With a mission to provide dynamic, data-informed experiences to the global education community through Anthology Intelligent Experiences™, we help learners, leaders and educators achieve their goals by offering over 60 SaaS products and services designed to advance learning. Discover more about how we are fulfilling our mission for education, business and government institutions at

Media contact: Heather Phillips,

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MENA Press Releases

Blackboard Learn Ultra Adoption Builds Momentum Worldwide

Strategic investment, client involvement accelerate feature delivery as Learn Ultra adoption rises 30%

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Anthology, a leading provider of education solutions that support the entire learner lifecycle, today announced a 46 percent increase in the number of courses designed using Blackboard® Learn Ultra, and a 30 percent increase in the number of institutions deploying Learn Ultra courses, year over year.

Following the merger with Blackboard, Anthology tripled Learn Ultra development resources and increased opportunities for client feedback in the development process, a strategy that continues to power a rising cadence of new features and enabled the largest Learn Ultra release to-date delivered this July. These new features are accelerating adoption and helping institutions leverage data to better serve students when used alongside new tools like Blackboard Data Reporting.

In just the last six months, institutions in the United Arab Emirates that have selected or upgraded to Learn Ultra include the British University in Dubai and Al-Khawarizmi International College, among numerous others.

“Blackboard Learn Ultra supports a more engaging teaching and learning experience through its intuitive, user friendly interface and ability to connect faculty with students, and vice versa,” said Abdullah Esmat, IT Department System Administrator for Khawarizmi International College. “We’re prepared to support in-person, remote and hybrid learning environments long term because of the flexibility the Learn Ultra offers our institution.”

Learn Ultra Delivers New Research-Informed Features

With a research-informed approach that involves clients throughout the development process, Blackboard Learn Ultra users benefit from significant improvements to the learning experience aligned with the pedagogical preferences of instructors. The most recent releases of Learn Ultra have delivered new enhancements driven by this inclusive process, including:

  • An improved and more personalized student test-taking experience, including student visibility into progress during a test, the option to hide the timer to help with test anxiety, filters to accommodate different test taking strategies and reminders about unanswered questions.
  • Increased instructor control around how tests and assignments are displayed, like the ability to display one question at a time and prevent backtracking, and more engaging assessment experiences through inline file rendering. New features also increase instructor control over how a test should behave, allowing them to determine when the student can view their submission, instructor feedback and grades.
  • Greater flexibility to support student self-expression, including the opportunity to provide a preferred name, record a name pronunciation, and more control over how this information is presented to peers.

In conjunction with accelerating feature development and deployment, Blackboard Data Reporting is now widely available to Learn clients to help institutional leaders tap learner data for actionable insights. Designed to lower the barriers to data-informed decision-making, Blackboard Data Reporting generates reports, dashboards and visualizations that look across all courses, instructors and students. This comprehensive view provides understanding about tool adoption, course design and student engagement, and ultimately enables leaders to build an experience that fuels learner success.

“Anthology’s Blackboard Learn Ultra is so much more than an LMS. When integrated with other core systems on campus, it becomes an essential tool in delivering the insights that institutions need to create more personalized experiences for students, and it will play a critical role in our Anthology iX™ product vision,” said JD White, Chief Product Officer at Anthology. “We’ve tripled the size of our Learn development team in the last year and are working with universities in more than 70 countries to help them realize its full capabilities. This is just the beginning of what we expect to see ahead.”

About Anthology

Anthology offers the largest EdTech ecosystem on a global scale for education, supporting more than 150 million users in 80 countries. With a mission to provide dynamic, data-informed experiences to the global education community through Anthology Intelligent Experiences™, we help learners, leaders and educators achieve their goals by offering over 60 SaaS products and services designed to advance learning. Discover more about how we are fulfilling our mission for education, business and government institutions at

Media contact: Heather Phillips,

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MENA Press Releases

OneConnect launches SaaS solution OneCosmo, powered by Pismo, in the UAE

OneCosmo suite allows financial Institutions and fintechs in the region to build a wide range of digital banking capabilities, gaining flexibility and scalability

ABU DHABI, UAE, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — OneConnect Smart Technology (ME) Ltd (OneConnect), the leading technology-as-a-service provider and an associate of Ping An Group, has announced the launch of OneCosmo, a one-stop omni platform for all-in-one digital banking solutions, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was jointly developed with Brazil-based tech company Pismo, one of the fastest-growing banking Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) firms.

OneCosmo allows customers to launch financial products in a matter of weeks due to pre-integrated and pre-configured features. It also enables real-time data streaming for greater insight into consumer behaviour through data analysis. OneCosmo is a flexible and microservices-led API driven platform— offering financial institutions the freedom to customise the solutions suite to meet their individual needs. To date, Pismo’s technology used in OneCosmo’s solutions has been utilised by more than 60 million banking customers growing rapidly on a month-on-month basis.

The launch of OneCosmo is the result of a strategic partnership established in April 2022 by OneConnect and Pismo. Leveraging the Pismo next-generation cloud native SaaS platform, OneCosmo’s suite of solutions offers a highly scalable and easily integrable option for banks and financial institutions to build digital banking capabilities. It includes a wide range of services, from digital identity verification and core banking to card issuance, digital wallets, and digital lending. The platform also allows integration across different third-party service providers using highly flexible APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and microservices.

“The digital banking and digital payment market in the UAE will be growing faster than the global average, within the next five  years. Customers have very high expectations of their banks and show a strong appetite for digital banks,” said Vishal Dalal, CEO (North America, EMEA and APAC) at Pismo. “With the partnership between Pismo and OneConnect, we are taking to the market the right technology for helping banks and fintechs offer the digital products their customers want.”

“Following the success of OneCosmo launch in Asia, we are exhilarated that the solution had garnered tremendous interest from the local financial institutions. Now, together with OneConnect’s strategic partner Pismo, we are excited to bring our leading edge technological solutions and professional expertise to the UAE. As the leading Fintech market in the MENA region, along with strong support from the local regulators, the UAE will be a significant market to us.” says Tan Bin Ru, CEO (Southeast Asia) of OneConnect Financial Technology.

MENA Press Releases

Global Times: CPC charts course for modern socialist China in all respects

BEIJING, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Communist Party of China (CPC) on Sunday unveiled its blueprint for building a modern socialist China in all respects for the next five years and beyond as the 20th CPC National Congress opened.

The five-yearly meeting is the first national congress of the CPC after its centenary in 2021, when the Party led the Chinese people to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

“From this day forward, the central task of the CPC will be to lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a concerted effort to realize the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization,” Xi Jinping said in a report at the opening session of the congress.

The theme of the congress is holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implementing the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party, staying confident and building strength, upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, forging ahead with enterprise and fortitude, and striving in unity to build a modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts, Xi said.

Chinese political experts said the theoretical innovation of the CPC showed in the 20th Party Congress has global significance as it offers countries around the world which are seeking modernization an alternative and an example, and in its new journey, China will continue to uphold the great banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics with firmness and confidence.

Chinese modernization

Xi expounded on the missions and tasks of the CPC on the new journey of the new era.

The CPC aims to basically realize socialist modernization from 2020 through 2035, and build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful from 2035 through the middle of this century.

Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, said that “the concept of Chinese modernization was raised for the first time as one of the most important conclusions the CPC made from its past experiences.”

Shen said that as there is no ready-made development path or mode for China to directly copy or imitate, China has finally concluded a Chinese path to modernization after more than a hundred years of exploration and construction since the Revolution of 1911, providing a completely new alternative, a third choice for all developing countries in the world which are searching for or struggling with their development modes with the wish to both realize rapid self-development and maintain sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

Xi underscored the unique features of Chinese modernization, which he said is the socialist modernization pursued under the leadership of the CPC. It contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context.

Chinese modernization is the modernization of a huge population, of common prosperity for all, of material and cultural-ethical advancement, of harmony between humanity and nature and of peaceful development, Xi said.

Analysts said that the Chinese path of modernization is about common prosperity for all, and it will be realized by the peaceful development. From this aspect, it is completely different from Western modernization.

Chinese modernization will be successful together with other nations’ modernization, and it will create chances for other countries to realize their modernization and development, and it will not lecture or force others to accept its ideology. It will not use alliance systems to let other countries to surrender their autonomy or be subject to hegemony, experts noted.

Many foreign journalists shared the same feeling as they highly value the achievements that China gained in the past century, especially the past five to 10 years. They wanted to explore how China accomplished these great missions and how these experiences could help their countries.

Abdurakhmannova Albina, a journalist from CBC TV of Azerbaijan, told the Global Times that the congress is not just important for China, “but also for many other countries around the world too,” and the most impressive part for her is that she learned the CPC has done so much for China and the Chinese people in just the past five to 10 years, and she considers that it is important for her to report this to the people of her country.

David Lopez, a journalist from Colombia’s media El Tiempo, told the Global Times that the congress is a historic event, and it is important for journalists like him to be here to witness this event closely because “we need to let the people from the other side of the world to understand what’s happening here” in China, and “we are interested in [China’s] development, economy and technologies and so on.”

Future tasks and challenges

Xi said that the next five years will be crucial for ensuring that the efforts to build a modern socialist country in all respects get off to a good start.

“Building a modern socialist country in all respects is a great and arduous endeavor. Our future is bright, but we still have a long way to go. We must therefore be more mindful of potential dangers, be prepared to deal with the worst-case scenario, and be ready to withstand high winds, choppy waters and even dangerous storms,” Xi said.

Zhang Xixian, a professor at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing, told the Global Times on Sunday that “the potential risks that could bring ‘dangerous storms’ would come from the risk of war amid profound changes the world hasn’t seen in the past century and a potential global economic and social crisis, and such as the obstacles for national reunification, as foreign interference to support Taiwan secessionism could bring extreme danger.”

The fundamental reason why China needs to be prepared for the worst-case scenario and even “dangerous storms” is that Chinese modernization will bring challenges to the hegemony which is now dominating the current world order, experts noted.

So as long as China keeps developing itself, and keeps seeking improvement for the livelihood of the Chinese people and puts efforts into offering more public goods, like the Belt and Road Initiative, to other countries which also want win-win cooperation, modernization and peaceful development, the existing hegemony will impose pressures, suppressions and even attacks against it, said analysts.

Xi also stressed modernizing China’s national security system and capacity and safeguarding national security and social stability.

“National security is the bedrock of national rejuvenation, and social stability is a prerequisite for building a strong and prosperous China,” Xi said. “The Party will take coordinated steps to ensure external and internal security, homeland and public security, traditional and non-traditional security, as well as its own security and common security.

MENA Press Releases

CGTN: CPC’s full, strict Party governance: An unceasing endeavor

BEIJING, Oct. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — “The ‘Two Establishments’ is the Party’s major political achievements,” an official said at a press conference on Monday when briefing on Party building alongside the ongoing 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country’s most important political event every five years.

The “Two Establishments,” refers to establishing “Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole” and defining “the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.”

“Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the latest theoretical results as the Party’s right answer to issues raised by the era and practices,” said Tian Peiyan, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee.

It also represents the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, having realized new leap forward of modernizing and adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, according to Tian.

Challenges and solutions for the largest ruling party

With over 96 million Party members as of 2021, the CPC is the largest Marxist ruling party in the world.

Managing such an organization and ruling the world’s largest socialist country with a population of 1.4 billion is full of challenges.

The Party faces tasks from self-governance, reforms and opening-up, market economy and external environment. It is also presented with long-term dangers of lack of drive, incompetence, disengagement from the people, inaction and corruption, Tian noted.

“Nothing can easily bring down a government like corruption, and the fight against corruption is the most thorough form of self-reform,” said Xiao Pei, deputy head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China.

Since the 18th Party congress, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have set up 4.648 million cases for investigation, and 25,000 general-level officials as well as over 182,000 county-level officials have been punished.

As corruption jeopardizes the political environment and undermines the economic and social environment, anti-corruption can help improve such environments, according to Xiao.

A latest survey by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that 97.4 percent of people are fully confident in the work of exercising strict governance over the Party for curbing the spread of corruption, a 22.4-percent rise than that of 2012.

In addition, the CPC is a political party with a relatively comprehensive system of intra-Party regulations, with nearly 4,000 intra-Party regulations in effect.

“It is based on such clear understanding of the unique difficulties facing the Party, that Xi Jinping pointed out in the report that full and rigorous Party self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which with no end,” said Tian.

Talents promotion and demotion with clear guidance

In terms of talent acquisition, the Party issued a revised regulation on proper promotion and demotion of officials last month, showing the Party’s determination to promote qualified and dedicated talent in the journey to realize the second centenary goal of building China into a modern socialist country. The original version was released in 2015.

Meanwhile, a full and rigorous Party self-governance manages officials with strict standards, measures, and disciplines.

To take a holistic approach, the Party has kept improving the personal matter report system for leading officials, which requests cross-checks of their integrity and Party discipline with random inspections at a rate of 10 percent each year, an increase from the previous 2-to-5 percent, according to Xu Qifang, deputy head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee.

All candidates to leading positions are required to go through cross-checking and all centrally administered officials were checked before the 20th National Congress of the CPC, Xu added.

Take Xie Chuntao, a delegate to the 20th National Congress of the CPC, as an example. He said that qualification for the delegates is a “hard-earned” honor.

“It’s rare for political parties in the world to make such great efforts to elect outstanding members of the Party as the CPC does,” he said.