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Iraq’s oil exports to America exceed 35 million barrels in the first quarter of 2023

Iraq’s oil exports to America recorded more than 35 million barrels during the first quarter of 2023.

The US Energy Information Administration stated, in a report, that “Iraq’s exports of crude oil and its products to America during the first quarter of the year 2023 and starting from January, February and March amounted to 35.038 million barrels, an increase of 40% over the same period in the year 2022, which amounted to oil exports to America.” It contains 20.999 million barrels, an increase of 69% compared to the same period in 2021, in which oil exports to America amounted to 10.868 million barrels.

It added, “The highest rate of oil exports to America during the first quarter of the year 2023 was in February, when it amounted to 12.168 million barrels, while the lowest rate of oil exports was for the month of March, when it amounted to 11.394 million barrels.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency