
Michael Jordan’s Secret To Success: “I’ve Missed More Than 9000 Shots In My Career. I’ve Lost Almost 300 Games… I’ve Failed Over And Over And Over Again In My Life. And That Is Why I Succeed.”

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Fadeaway World

By Aaditya Krishnamurthy View the original article to see embedded media. Michael Jordan is without a doubt, the greatest player in NBA history. Jordan played in the NBA during the 80s and 90s and was a truly dominant force throughout his career. At his peak, Jordan was absolutely unstoppable, especially when it came to scoring. It seemed that MJ could be trusted in the biggest moments to help his team get the win. But what was Jordan’s secret to success? Well, according to Jordan himself, it was his fearlessness when it came to failing. In a 1997 commercial for Nike, Jordan narrated over foot…

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