Government Policy

Royal committee proposes groundbreaking elections, political parties laws…2nd add

As for the political parties law, the draft suggested that the number of applicants to establish a party should not be less than three hundred.The law also gave political parties an opportunity to develop horizontal participation at the governorate lev…

As for the political parties law, the draft suggested that the number of applicants to establish a party should not be less than three hundred.

The law also gave political parties an opportunity to develop horizontal participation at the governorate level, and social participation at the level of youth and women, until the founding conference of the party was held within a period of time not exceeding one year, provided that the number of founding members of the party under establishment at the time of the founding conference was not less than 1,000, and that the founders are residents of at least six governorates, taking into account that their number is not less than 30 people from each governorate.

The law also stipulated that the proportion of young people (in the age group of 18 and 35 years) should not be less than 20% of the number of founders, and that women should not be less than 20% of the number of founders. It also stipulated that at least one of the founders should be a person with disabilities, in addition to the number of founders present at the founding conference being no less than the majority of its founding members.

The law stipulates that no citizen may be subjected to, questioned or held accountable, or that his constitutional or legal rights may be violated because of his party affiliation. It also granted the right to students of higher education institutions that are members of a party to practice all partisan activities within the campus of those institutions without any restrictions or prejudice to their rights, provided that a special bylaw is issued to regulate such activities.

The law proposes the establishment of a department called the “Party Registry” in the Independent Election Commission to ensure transparency and independence regarding party affairs. The committee made it clear that the authority to approve requests for the establishment of any party in accordance with the provisions of the Political Parties Law, follow-up party affairs, and ensure their adherence to the law and their statutes, will be entrusted to a completely neutral and independent body, i.e. the Independent Election Commission.

Source: jordan News Agency