
Moderate weather, light showers forecast for three days

Moderate and partly-cloudy weather conditions are forecast to prevail on Monday, as temperatures will be 3-4 degrees below annual average, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said.Scattered showers are expected over the northern and central regi…

Moderate and partly-cloudy weather conditions are forecast to prevail on Monday, as temperatures will be 3-4 degrees below annual average, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said.

Scattered showers are expected over the northern and central regions of the country, with northwesterly moderate to brisk winds.

The weather department warned of slippery roads, low-visibility during rainfall due to dust formation in badia areas and fog formation in mountainous areas.

Similar weather conditions will persist on Tuesday and Wednesday, while a slight rise in mercury levels is expected on Thursday, bringing pleasant autumn weather with clouds at low altitudes.

The highs in Amman and other highlands across the Kingdom today will range between 23 and 21 degrees Celsius, dropping at night to 13C or even 10C in the southern highlands. In the Gulf city of Aqaba, it will be hotter with mercury reaching a high of 34C and a low of 20C.